Chapter 61

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I made it back to the Inn and nodded to the man sitting behind the front desk before riding the elevator up to my room.

After my usual hot shower, I fell into bed and stared at the ceiling thinking about my day.

Maybe the folks at the Tara Guild are a group of good people after all. I wouldn't mind seeing Nessa and Hudson again. I really enjoyed that boss fight and gained a lot more levels, but I think I'll try to take tomorrow off from fighting. It'd be better to focus on crafting my new sword and take a day to relax.

The drinks from earlier allowed my mind to wander aimlessly as I fell into a deep sleep.

The next morning my mind and body were rejuvenated entirely as I jumped out of bed.

After taking the elevator down to the lobby I saw the Inn Keeper smile and wave at me as I walked towards the front door.

"Another day of hunting?"

"Nahh, today's my day off."

"Probably a good plan. There weren't any major breaks last night. It seems the surge hit its peak yesterday. There may be some minor activity for another day or two, but we made it through another one."

"Oh yeah? That's good to hear."

He nodded.

"Well, have a nice relaxing day sir."

I walked out the door and replied.

"You too, have a great day!"

The sun just came up over the horizon as I walked following the directions of the old man's sloppily written address.

My stomach still feels kind of full from last night, but it's probably a better idea to eat now and not worry about it later. I stopped by a small family-run diner to grab a breakfast sandwich before making my way toward the opposite side of town.

The further I walked the more off-putting the environment felt. The buildings became shorter and more run down. Everyone around wore less well-kept clothing and the general feel for the town was a bit more rugged. I expected this though, I am trying to find a black market after all.

All of the tall silver buildings were glimmering in the distance, there's a completely different way of life out here. Most of the buildings were made of red bricks, others were old school and made of wood.

About a third of the buildings are definitely abandoned because the windows are cracked and some doors are completely smashed in. There's no way anyone lives in those.

This part of town is where all the outcasts from the city reside. There's a bar on every corner and they're mostly filled with guys in dark rugged clothing, tattoos, and dirty hands. Just like the old man at the bar last night, these people have had long and tough lives.

Some of them look really intimidating and mean, but the majority of people here are laughing and having a good time. It's just a crowd I'm not used to, there's no point in thinking poorly of them. We're all living life with the hand we were dealt day by day.

After about 30 minutes of walking in total, I finally found the building that belonged to the address. It's about 3 stories high and made of old bricks. There are two big-looking men in black leather jackets standing outside. The structure has no open windows where anyone could see clearly inside.

I walked straight up to the front door and talked to the men.

"Hey. Uhh, I'm looking for Briana."

The man on the right raised an eyebrow while smirking and stepping forward.

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