Chapter 120

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I stare down at my left arm for a moment, taking in the reality of my situation. The demon's core just dissolved into my body....

I swallow hard, examining the tattoo-like black line running all the way up my sleeve.

The sensation of transfer magic starts to come over my body at the same moment. A white light starts to mask my vision, just like after every boss fight finishes.

Not knowing exactly where this next transfer will take me, I activate Dungeon Walker to decide for myself. Away from here...

If this is going where I think it is, I don't want to be any part of a labyrinth's collapsed aftermath. After every dungeon break I've been in, all hunters that were stuck inside get transported to the outside world together. That would only add to my pile of problems...

I focus on a very familiar dungeon in the capital, the Minotaur Dungeon. The white light around me grows even brighter as I teleport away.

"Just in time."

Fractions of a second later, I've arrived safe and sound. A smile grows across my face as I walk over to the exit portal no more than 20m away.

I exhale abruptly, then stop right in front of the spinning mass of energy before returning to the outside world. Tightening my lips and scrunching my eyebrows, I reactivate Dungeon Walker out of curiosity.

"It's gone...."

Scanning through all the dungeon layouts in my mind's eye, not a single one from the labyrinth I just left pops up in my head. It's completely gone, every single dungeon has vanished into thin air.

Deactivating my skills and putting away my sword, I slowly walk outside without another thought.

There aren't any hunters in sight. I make my way back to the main hub on the train and exit without seeing anyone but a few nightshift guards. The city streets are quiet at night. A soft white moonlight shines alongside the occasional streetlamp as I make my way back to the hotel.

With a wave to the attendant in the lobby, I get into the elevator and ride it up to the 4th floor. With a turn of my key, I enter the room and fall into bed almost immediately.

I'm exhausted, but a million thoughts are still running wild through my head. It feels incredible to lie down and rest my sore muscles, but the looming fear of my meeting with Rodrigo and the Hunters Association Higher-Ups is fresh in my mind.

After seemingly endless tossing and turning, I finally fall asleep for a few hours.

Unfortunately, it doesn't last long. As the sun rises through my hotel window, so do I. Letting out a groan, I stretch my arms, legs, and back before rolling out of bed.

"My work is never over..."

I've decided to see Briana. It never hurts to see your friendly neighborhood black market craftswoman before a lunch meeting with the government... right?

I have a lot of new gear and items. There's no one who'd be better at appraising their value than her. I may even get a chance to fuse that new firestone with something...

I let out a sigh, shrug, and walk out the door. I'll just have to head over and see what she can offer.

After drinking some of the leftover water in my inventory and grabbing a breakfast sandwich from a local shop, I make my way toward the three-story building where Briana stays.

There are two large men standing out front, one of them seems to recognize me from a distance. I wave as he looks at his friend to mumble a few words, then turns to me with a smirk.

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