Chapter 78

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We walk into the large white-walled room.

Hunters of all kinds are standing around talking within their guilds. I can see a massive group from the Hunters Association with well over 50 people in identical outfits. We walk by them closer to the stage, then I hear my name being called out.

"Jay??? Is that you?"

I turn to see a familiar face pop out from behind two large tanks. A short woman with bright green eyes and matching florescent green hair runs toward me. She's wearing the dark-colored Hunters Association raid suit and minimal armor. I stare forward in disbelief.


She jumps up in the air smiling.

"Who would have thought?? I haven't seen you in a while... I can't believe you're already level 250... and... You too??"

Abby points at Maria.

She smiles hesitantly and nods, then Abby continues to talk.

"It's a pretty big turnout today. I heard they made a last-second change to the exam because of the recent surge in the city. Exciting isn't it?!"

She looked at me wide-eyed.

I smiled and opened my mouth to reply.

Then a tall blond swordsman and a thin black-haired mage appear behind Abby. They're both very light-skinned and have serious looks on their faces.

"Hey, Abby! This is our competition you know. Don't tell them all our secrets..."

Abby rolls her eyes playfully.

"Jay, these are my teammates for the first part of the exam. Meet Connor and Dasha. We may be competing later on, but it can't hurt to be friendly now."

She grins and looks at us. The swordsman and mage scoff, then turn around. Connor speaks up.

"The exam is about to begin, finish up with your little friends and come join us when you're ready."

They turn and leave, Abby stays.

"I think they're just nervous about making a good impression and passing the exam, usually they're pretty nice people. Don't mind them!!"

I nod.

"Looks like everyone is on edge around here."

We look around as more people enter the crowded room. Hunters are fidgeting and arguing all around us. It's definitely a rather tense environment.

Abby speaks.

"Well, anyways. I hope we meet again during the event. Possibly as allies... not enemies. See ya Jay! Oh- and Nice seeing you again Maria!"

Just like that, she hops away into the crowd of Hunters Association minions. I kind of wanted to talk longer and ask her a few things... but I guess that's not happening.

Maria finally talks.

"You know Abby well?"

"I- uhh, Yeah I guess. We used to train together. That is until I joined the Pace guild and took leveling seriously... I still don't know much about her. She seems nice enough though."

Maria nods.

We continue to weave our way through the crowd closer to the podium.

Once we finally got within 5m or so a commotion arose. Two men from different parties were yelling at each other loudly. They both seem to be their party leaders. One is a tall muscular man with short black hair, heavy silver armor, and a long sword. The other is a tall thin man with long brown hair and two black daggers.

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