Chapter 89

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[Test 1][Time Remaining: 18 Hours]

The boss room is darker than I expected it to be. The hard soil remains the same, but the artificial sunlight has left the sky. In the distance, I can see the familiar large cave-like walls wrapping upwards to create a closed-off arena for this boss battle.

Maria and I stand side by side with our swords at the ready. She begins to glow blue as my flames begin to flicker to life. Silence fills the room as we wait in anticipation.

I scan my surroundings with inspect, enemy detection, and appraisal. Seconds later, six red glowing eyes emerge from the darkness before us. The sound of heavy chains clanging together rings throughout the cave and a burst of flames lights up the enemy that walks out from the darkness.

[Lv. 261]

Active Items:

Cursed Shackles[Fire Aspect]

Active Skills:




[+50% Speed + Agility + Mental Strength]




A vicious three-headed dog stomps into view with heavy metal collars around each of its necks. Long broken metal chains hang from each of them, just barely swinging above the ground. The beast stands over 3m tall. From head to toe, it's at least 8m long... Well, from its middle head at least.

The monster's eyes stare us down, and saliva drips from its three mouths as the white jagged teeth reflect off of the fiery display permeating off of each of its limbs... A dark red aura covers its entire body as well. This is one horrific-looking monster.

It lets out a series of growls as the flames on its legs burst into even larger flames. I feel a wave of intimidation hit me, then the beast runs forward.

Our battle has begun.

Without another word, Maria darts off to the left and I take the right. The enormous hound moves its heads on either side to track us both as we run off in opposite directions. I activate bloodlust, berserker, and my own intimidation skill to match its energy as I run closer and closer to the beast. The hound winces, then its collars glow red. The glowing chains are visibly burning the dark fur around its neck, moments later it charges forward breaking free of my mental trap.

With incredible speed and accuracy, the monster launches an attack straight at Maria. It definitely is not fond of my intimidation skill. The beast is trying to take out easier prey first, then it'll deal with me.

A loud collision occurs as Maria summons a wall of Ice and the flaming hound throws itself head-first into it. Ice shards fly everywhere as she narrowly escapes in the confusion. I follow close behind now covered head to toe in flames of my own.

As the beast emerges from the cloud of ice and snow, I launch my first attack.


My sword lands a deep slash through the left head's neck, following through to leave additional damage across its backside. It lets out a murderous roar as the chains glow red again, creating plumes of smoke from the burning fur and flesh. This only makes the beast more angry.

Its eyes glow red as it stomps its feet. The left head eyes me up and down, while its right side watches Maria ready herself.

We lock eyes momentarily, then I run at the beast again. The monster erupts into flames and shakes its heads in frustration.

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