Chapter 82

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[Test 1][Time Remaining: 40 Hours]


Maria looks up at me with curious innocent eyes.

I gulp.

"I do... have another skill. You're right."

She smiles wide, drops her sword, and starts jumping around with her hands in the air.

"I knew it!! I knew it!!! Your sword is special too! And you-"

I cut her off with a serious tone.

"Let's keep this between us, okay? The fewer people that know about it, the better. I have... a few skills... I trust you not to tell anyone, and to not ask too many questions."

Maria stopped jumping and looked me in the eyes with a serious stare.

"Hmmph, of course, Jay. I've been waiting.... I can keep a secret, don't worry!"

She smiles again, picks up her sword, and turns to continue walking while bobbing her head side to side humming softly.

I sigh with relief...

It's been weighing on me for a while now. I was trying to find the right time to tell her. The more floors we climb, I'm more likely to use other skills. I guess she's known for a while and was also just waiting for the right time to say something.... Maybe I've been a bit careless about flashing my skills around lately.

Either way, that was much easier than expected. Hiding my visible abilities from Maria is one less thing to think about.

I follow her deeper into the dungeon and use enemy detection to locate the team I was tracking earlier.


I call out to Maria and point at the mountain in front of us again.

"The base of that mountain is less than a kilometer away, we're getting pretty close."

The trees begin to thin out the closer we get. The team hasn't changed its position yet.


They still aren't visible from this distance, and there are many trees and rocks in the way now. Our trek toward the mountain continues.


Finally, as we step into an open clearing our next adversaries come into view. A pair of men are sitting on top of a large boulder. We begin approaching with caution. There isn't much tree cover at all, so an ambush would be hard to pull off here. We walk at them straight on with our swords ready.


The men see us coming but don't seem alarmed at all. One of them waves and the other ignores us. At closer inspection, a large glowing white box is on top of the boulder next to them. They found a gift box too! As we get closer, the man that waved jumps down and yells out to me.

"What do you want kid? Get lost if you know what's good for ya. You're already on the fifth floor, don't make me send you two back to the start."

I grin and raise my sword while Maria begins to glow blue. As we do this, the other man on top of the rock jumps down.

I use inspect on both of them.

The first man is about 185cm, with a shaved head, heavy shining armor that only covers his vital points, and a large silver axe. He looks a lot older than me... Maybe close to 40. He's pretty tan and very muscular for his height.

[Lv. 303]

Active Items:

[High Ogre's Axe] +350 Strength

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