Chapter 94

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The five of us make our way down and around the first mountain with ease.

As we make our way through the rocks and trees to climb atop the second peak, Griffins soar above our heads screeching and diving below attacking teams seemingly at random.

The trees at the base of this second mountain are considerably darker green and much thicker. Both Maria and I swap places upfront using Ice and fire to shatter and burn a path upwards.

Although I love burning all kinds of things to the ground, I much prefer monsters to shrubbery. Maria, on the other hand, looks like she's having the time of her life. I let her excitedly lead the way as I point out subtle directional changes to avoid any groups of hunters or monsters on the ground level. Abby glows light green healing her wounds from earlier as Nessa and Bruce take the rear chuckling about something, I'm not sure what it is in particular.

After a solid 30 minutes of upward climbing on Maria's fragmented trail of Ice, we encounter an opponent that's impossible to avoid.

A Griffin of similar stature to the last one comes down the mountain at an incredible pace. The beast is silently soaring towards us just above the tree line with a look of determination in its sharp eagle eyes. A light yellow aura covers its entire body.

Maria notices it first.

"HEADS UP! This one's mine!"

She turns to me with a smirk while glowing blue creating a winding staircase of Ice. All the trees in her path freeze completely solid creating the base for her structure on an upward climb.

The Griffin's front talons shine in the yellow dungeon's sunlight as the beast dive bombs our group with Maria as its main target. She shines bright while throwing herself at the monster, her sword is drawn and she's ready for a fight.

The Griffin screeches as Maria jumps into the air, pushing herself further and faster with a wave of Ice from behind.


In a flash of blue light, and the faint sound of clashing metal, the massive beast's entire front side becomes enveloped in a thick sheet of Ice. Its wings stop flapping and the ice wave continues to cover the rest of its body. Maria finishes her slash and the massive creature explodes into an incredible display of dazzling frozen ice fragments.

Moments later, she slides down her frozen tree sculptures with a satisfied grin.

"Now that was a fun one!!"

I let out a chuckle.

"That bird never had a chance."

Nessa calls out from behind me.

"It's a lion too ya know!"

Bruce smirks.

Abby watches in awe as the remainder of the snow falls down shimmering silver and gold.

"W-Wow Maria. You've gotten really strong..."

"Hmph. Thanks."

They smile at each other with a competitive edge to it, then we continue to make our way up the mountain. 30 more minutes pass and Maria continues clearing the way for us as we travel upwards. She drinks 2 MP potions but has more than enough to work with, It shouldn't be a problem.

She jumps in the air filled with amusement as we approach a high point.

"Woah. Guys, you've gotta see this!"

We make our way up, climbing her jagged ice-covered path. We've made it to the mountain's peak! I lift my sword in the air with excitement, then look to my side to see Maria next to a massive pile of what looks like fallen trees. Then I take a closer look.

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