Chapter 115

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The veil of darkness in my vision slowly fades to white, then reality comes into view.

The horrible pain that took over my body is gone. I'm sitting on the hard ground with my sword by my side and both hands in my lap.

The silver bracelet is gone.

I died...

I let out a long sigh, realizing I've been transported to the labyrinth's entrance.

"Jay! You're- uhm."

I look up to see Maria standing over me with Bruce, Abby, and Nessa behind her. The sky is dark and there aren't many hunters standing around anymore.

With a nod, I put my sword away while slowly getting up to my feet.

"I'm fine."

I stare at the floor for a moment, shake my head, then put a fake smile on my face before looking back at the lot of them.

"What are we waiting for? Let's celebrate, we made it. We're all C-Class hunters now!"

Maria stares me in the eyes for a few seconds, then a grin widens across her face.

"You're right!"

With a skip and a hop, she grabs me by the arm linking our elbows together.

Simultaneously, a flash of white light appears right next to me and Arie appears breathing heavily with eyes opened wide. He looks around at us in confusion, then lets out his own sigh of relief.

"That was.... Not an opponent I had any hopes of beating..."

He looks me in the eyes and I give him a firm nod.

"Yeah. Agreed."

I gulp.

Arie puts away his bow and takes another look at all of us before I speak up again.

"Hey, do you want to go get dinner with us? To celebrate."

With a light smile, he agrees.

The six of us head off back in the city's direction, there's a small road that winds all the way back.

My mind continues to race thinking over the immense stupidity of my actions, but Maria's arm grasped around my own as we walk keeps me mildly distracted from the self-deprecating thoughts.

Nessa and Bruce lead the way down the small road having a conversation about their guild and how this C-Class promotion will get them into new positions.

Arie is silent for a bit but starts asking Abby about all the fine details of life at the Association. I try to listen in but keep zoning out into my own world so none of the information actually sticks in my head.

Maria continues to squeeze my arm tight while humming softly to herself. We take up the rear, I stare straight ahead counting my breaths and focusing on the rhythmic footsteps as we travel to the town.

The lights of the city come into view and I can even hear the main train line nearby.

My stomach gurgles and Maria lets out a chuckle while turning to me.

"I'm starving too, how about we go to that place Rei took us last time we were here!"

She practically jumps up and down, I smile and let out a laugh of my own replying in a low tone.

"That would hit the spot."

I look straight ahead as we near the city entrance and raise an eyebrow.

"What are the odds...."

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