Chapter 100

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I spawn into the boss room and ready my sword.

Walls of orange rock surround me on all sides creating a circular battlefield about 50m in diameter. A flash of light obstructs my vision as an enormous troll appears across the makeshift arena.

It's very similar to the ones in the dungeon. This one is just 2m taller, hairier, darker skin, but its disgusting stench remains the same. After using inspect, the monster registers at level 298.

The massive beast immediately charges at me with its heavy club raised high in the air. I activate berserker and bloodlust while igniting my blade.

With one swift kick off a dense pocket of wind magic, I fly toward the monster and slice it in half without a second thought.

I turn around to watch both parts of the defeated troll burn to ash.

"Well, that was probably my fastest boss room win... ever..."

I let my flames die out, then walk over to the dissolving corpse to collect the mana crystal with a long sigh.

Moments later, the transfer magic appears and a white flash of light takes me to floor 14.

I look around In awe as I take in a surreal sight.

The ground is so dark brown, it almost looks black. The terrain is completely flat for as far as the eye can see, and there are very short jagged dead trees every 50m or so in all directions. The sky is such a light tone of blue it looks white. There are very small dark particles that float in the air. When I try to touch them, my hand just slips right through.

"What.... Is this place....?"

I look up to see my other four group members in a similar confused state. They're all looking around aimlessly trying to touch the particles in the air with no success.

Maria turns to me.

"I have no idea... Creepy right?"

She grins cheerfully.

It lightens the mood so I reply back with a thin smile.

"Yeah... Lets... get moving I guess."

We begin to walk straight ahead. We're all on edge quite a bit. I take the rear with Maria while Bruce, Nessa, and Abby travel up front in a triangular formation.

I activate enemy detection, but to my surprise, less than 10 enemies show up. Even when I expand my range throughout the entire dungeon... it's only 10... that's it....

Although there's no threats nearby, I can't shake the feeling that we're being watched. It's like there's eyes peering into my soul from just behind my shoulder.

"Uh- guys. Does anyone else feel like there is someone watching us-"


Abby turns with a crazy look in her eyes.

"I can't take it anymore! I thought I was going crazy!!!"

She starts looking over her shoulder furiously as Bruce and Nessa turn to me as well. The tank speaks up.

"I feel it too. Eerie, but bearable."

Nessa smirks as I see a fire light up in her eyes.

"Whatever it is, I want to fight it."

Maria chuckles.

"Yeah, I felt it the moment I entered this place... I agree Nessa, freezing it solid is high up on my priority list."

I nod.


We continue walking and I continue scanning the area with enemy detection.

Dungeon Diver: Stealing a Monster's PowerWhere stories live. Discover now