Chapter 124

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As the old man speaks, my eyes keep scanning over his status in disbelief. I've never seen anyone with more than two skills besides myself. To top it off, he's over level 700, has a 900% defense buff, and a 180% magic resistance item....

He's a B-Class hunter, with multiple Legendary and Special Grade combat skills. Today I've met 3 people that could crush me in an instant... a mere C-Class is a very little fish in the grand scheme of things.

I've heard of people buying very rare items to add skills to their status. There have also been whispers of items that can force a skill upgrade. I guess the Association has bottomless pockets for a Regional Director like him.

I stay quiet while the old man continues to speak. He reaches into his shirt pocket and pulls out a small rectangular card.

"This is for you, I'd like to congratulate you on passing your rank-up exam. I made sure this one would be extra difficult, only 43 of you passed, can you believe that?"

Brutus lets out a chuckle while placing the small white card down on his desk with a firm thud. I shift my eyes to see my face and a large letter "C" along with the Association's logo on my new Hunter's License.

I nod and go to take the card, but the Director speaks up before my hand gets anywhere near his desk.

"Please, open your status for me, Jay. I'd like to see what we're working with before moving forward."

I tighten my lips and bring my hand back to my lap before opening my status. I've been using conceal this whole time, so no more changes are necessary. I flip the blue text screen toward him.

I've deleted any unique or suspicious items from my list, such as the contact lenses and Demon's Core.

I don't bother editing my level, showing that isn't a huge deal. My skills, on the other hand, I only leave three visible:

Combat Magic [Advanced Fire Summoning]


Dagger Mastery

Rodrigo already told the Association I'm a fire user, along with being a multi-skill user. I have to make it somewhat believable that he would pick me of all people to show to the Association, but also not too unique.

I gulp as the director eyes my status. He grins, then presses a small white button on the side of his desk.

"Very good. Three combat skills and one of them is Advanced Fire Summoning. Fire is the most common combat magic, but those with the upgraded version don't show their faces very often. I knew a few hunters with that perk back in my day. Those flames don't go out easily do they?"

I shake my head as he laughs a bit and keeps babbling on.

"Well, according to your status and my full Appraisal, you have very naturally boosted speed and agility. A close combat fighter, and advanced magic user, you'll definitely be a great asset to the Association."

I tighten my gaze and frown a bit at his last statement, but before I can speak up, the elevator dings behind me. The director grins, pointing an open palm toward the back of the room.

"This is my assistant, Samantha. She'll be helping us sign your contract today."

Rodrigo gives me a side eye, then nods firmly. I'm not exactly sure what that means, but it can't be good...

A tall blond woman with pale skin and a shimmering white dress walks over to us making light clicking sounds as her heels tap against the hard floor.

"Good afternoon Director, how can I be of assistance."

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