Chapter 168

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I look up at Fisher while powering down my sword.

I've had a lot of time to think about my situation here in the labyrinth while I was away training in the Titan's Domain.

When we first met, I was a bit annoyed with this blue-haired Elite for stepping on my toes during my solo labyrinth diving mission.

I still am... but he's just following orders. If anything it's the Director's fault. He's telling all the other Association lackeys around here what to do. I don't blame him for following through on his mission, but I still work better alone...

Fisher continues to speak.

"We'll be climbing the Labyrinth."

I hear what he has to say, but I was expecting it... I reply.

"I still want to climb these floors alone you know... Just because the Director wants us to team up, doesn't mean it has to happen."

Fisher smirks, letting out a light laugh.

"I remember when I still had the will to fight like you. Trust me, stay on his good side while you still can."

I lock eyes with Fisher. He looks back at me with a serious, worry-filled gaze.

I turn away first, replying under my breath.

"This is no fun..."

The Elite sighs, then replies.

"It's not meant to be fun. We're going to war soon you know."

I gulp, looking up at him.

"What are you talking about...?"

"The breaks up north, coming from the Dark Continent. They're the worst ones we've had in a long time... That's why we're even here in the first place, and why the Director put so much money into training you C-Class recruits."

Fisher digs through his item storage and takes out two palm-sized crystals. They're both completely white and give off a low mana filled hum.

"If necessary, we'll be using these to transport back to the Association HQ. They're one-time use transport crystals."

I raise an eyebrow, staring at the glowing items until Fisher puts them away and continues to speak.

"I hear you have a mana crystal quota too don't ya? We can help you fill that while we climb the floors."

With a grin, he points a thumb back to Rylan. The redhead jumps in.

"Hey! I never signed up for this free labor!"

Fisher turns back to him.

"I... think you did. You should be with your squad on floor 17 anyway. We'll drop you off on the way up."

He opens his mouth to reply, but stops and nods.

I think about it for a moment, then let out a sigh and a shrug.

"Fine, I guess I might as well."

Fighting this point won't get me anywhere.

I could probably farm 50k MP worth of crystals in a few hours if I teleported around any dungeon solo, but abandoning my mission isn't a good idea. Even if tricked into it won't get me anywhere close to the Director's good side.

Although Fisher seems to be completely tied up by the Association, I still sense some fight in him. I'm curious to learn a few more things about him, and see what else he can potentially teach me about mana control in the meantime.

Even though he didn't teach me much directly, he's been pointing me in the right direction every step of the way so far.

I speak up.

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