Chapter 45

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Daniel spoke up.

"You ever think about joining up with the Association?"

I shook myself out of a day dream.

"U-Uh no not really. What are the benefits? It just seems like a lot of work."

Daniel and Kenji both started laughing.

"Yeah, yeah. I guess maybe you're right. It is a lot of responsibility, especially here in the city. The upside is we get access to the private dungeons and rare gear to fight with. It's basically everything you'd expect."

"Hmm, understood. I think I'll stick with the public dungeons for now."

Daniel nodded slowly, he clearly wanted to ask me something.

"I looked at your file earlier, for some reason there's a lock on some of your data. Someone must have done it manually at the Association building you applied for your D Class rank. I was a bit curious, all the file shows is your rank and that you have 2 skills. They're Swordsmanship and some kind of Combat Fire Magic I assume?"

"There's a lock on my data? Hmmm, I-uh yeah those are my skills. Why?"

"You'd definitely get a great position if you want to join us. Two skill members tend to get special treatment. Feel free to stop by this building anytime. Here take a card."

Daniel handed me a card and I thanked him. The three of us continued a bit more small talk for 30 minutes or so. With nothing left to say I decided it was time to go.

They walked with me down to the elevator and out the front door. We shook hands and agreed to see each other in the future some time. I don't know if it'll really happen, it's just the polite thing to say.

The sun was setting now, I made my way towards the market center.

It's time to see how much all this loot is worth. I think it'll be a significant amount.

After a solid 20 minutes of walking through the crowded streets under the setting sun I finally made it to the market.

"Hey kid! Good to see ya, what can I get for you?"

I grinned.

"Good to see you too Roger. I have a ton of mana and a few items I'm looking to sell. You buying?"

"Of course let me see what you have."

He took out a mana scale and I reached into my item storage. I pulled out a pile of mana and placed it on the counter next to the scale. Most of it was from today's hunt but there was some extra from my old pouch and Cori's old storage system. Next, I took out a pile of potions. There were 4 MP and 3 HP. Lastly, I pulled out the large axe and Talia's old sword."

"Let's start with the mana."

The old merchants eye's went wide. He pushed all the mana onto the scale. Moments later the large black numbers read out 3176.60MU.

"Now that's a haul. I gotta make some money off it too ya know, I'll give you 30 silver for the whole stack."

"Yeah, understood. Works for me. How about these potions, can you tell me what grade they are?"

The man took a close look at the potions and raised an eyebrow.

"These are just your average D Class MP and HP potions. You want to sell these?"

"No, I keep those. I was just curious what exactly they were."

He nodded and started examining the axe and sword on the counter.

"Hmmm alright. This is a 150 strength boost axe. A really good item for auction, you'll make much more there. It'll easily go for over 40 or 50 silver, maybe even more if you find the right buyer."

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