Chapter 99

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A long twisting pathway leads down to the pit along the cliff on our right side. I can hear the faint sounds of stomping trolls and grunts approaching from below.

We start making our way down.

I'm grinning excitedly, thinking about all the new moves I'll get to try out on over 100 fresh moving targets.

No more than 50m of travel downwards, a lone desert troll comes bustling up the canyon pathway. In the distance, I can see half a dozen of them slowly making their way up the trail as well.

"Nessa, Abby, and Bruce. You three need to gain some serious levels before reaching the boss. Take care of these monsters."

I point my sword down the path, then continue talking.

"Maria, watch over them until they can handle these wanderers alone. I'll go take out the source of the problem, maybe I'll even leave a few for you... but probably not."

I smirk playfully and dart off to the left before any of them get a chance to reply. The smartest... or no... possibly the dumbest idea popped into my head and I can't wait any longer to test it out.

With a graceful leap, I jump off the edge of the winding path with nothing but an endless pit of trolls 500m below me.


I hear a few concerned voices drown out in the wind as I quickly plummet off the face of this massive orange rock wall. For a moment, I close my eyes and let the cool air wrap around my entire body as I fall weightlessly to the ground.

"Wind Summoning."

After a brief moment of peace, I concentrate my wind magic to form strong gusts beneath me. I visualize a wall of wind and try to let it catch me. The first attempt pushes my upper half backwards spiraling me out of control....

I grit my teeth, regain my composure, and try again. The second gust is much more stable and slows my descent ever so slightly. I keep a constant stream of air rushing up to slow my fall more and more.

Finally, I begin creating small denser pockets of air beneath my feet. It's very hard to stay upright, my body naturally wants to twist and turn. I'm still falling through the air very fast, but I work best under pressure...

Once less than 100m from the hard rock floor, I've slowed myself down considerably. With a bit of trial and error, I've managed to control the small dense currents under my feet. With very slight movements, I can change my position and turn toward any direction in mid-air with ease.

I focus on creating one final gust of wind from below before hitting the hard rock ground.


I brace my feet with body-hardening crystals and push upwards with wind magic to lessen the fall. My impact with the ground still creates a small crater about 4m in diameter.

It's not exactly what I was planning for, but this entrance is pretty epic either way.

I grin and draw my sword as the orange dust cloud around me settles. Over a dozen trolls surround me on all sides.

I burst into flames while focusing my mana into my sword. Moments later it begins to glow red as I activate my bloodlust and berserker skills. With much greater precision than before, dense wind magic forms beneath the soles of my feet and I push off of them blasting forward at my enemies.


One hit and the first monster disintegrates to ash.

I plunder its MP and turn in mid-air to face my next opponent. I plant my right foot into empty space and summon a dense pocket of air behind me. The gust of wind explodes on impact with my foot forcing me to make a 90-degree turn in mid-air.

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