Kiss & Tell - [Part Five]

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Kiss & Tell

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Kiss & Tell - [Part Five]

Before you start ripping someone to shreds with harsh words and actions, you should take the time to find the truth behind the situation at hand. All of that implying and passing judgements is gonna make you look like a big ignorant fool. - Veedan Shimakuura


"You got twenty minutes to get dressed, eat breakfast, and shower. Maybe you should get up like right now." Cody says and then nudges me with his Nikes-roughly!


"Go die," I lazily mumble back as I hug my pillow (imaging it as Caleb).

"I would, gladly in fact. I don't even know why I'm waking you up! After all, you made mom take me to grandmas."

Blah. Blah. Blah. He was asking for it, right?

"You know I don't want to go to school either." I listen, my eyes slightly opened now. "I hate this place; I want to go back to California..." He hesitates for a second; I already knew it was hard for him to be here-in Maine. "I-I just want everything how it used to be...before dad left us." He sounded so lost, which surprised me since Cody didn't ever take anything seriously.

But when he brought up dad, I knew what he meant. Dad...well that's touchy topic. But if you really want to know what happened with my dad then here's the short version of that topic:

I once thought daddy was my hero, my armor, my savior, my everything...I once thought daddy would always be there for me no matter what happened...I once thought daddy wouldn't ever leave my mother...I once thought our family would grow up together and mommy and daddy would be my kid's perfect grandparents and they would always love each other.

That's the problem here, 'I once thought.' Well I guess I shouldn't have because I didn't have some kick-ass mine-reading or future telling ability. I couldn't fast forward time and see my daddy cheating on my mother with his 'best friend'. I couldn't see any of that. I was just a delusional child-thinking about how 'perfect' my family was.

So now, as Cody told me this, I couldn't help but feel a bit bad. I mean, ever since we got here mom and Cody have been moody and depressed. I've been a ball of sunshine-well ever since Caleb asked me out. I felt guilty; as if I wasn't supposed to have fun when my family was upset. It's only been three months since daddy left us. I shouldn't have forgotten him so quickly...right?

"Look...Cody. Forget about dad," I instruct him, propping my arm up. "He's old news- an asshole. A...whatever-you-want-to-call-him."

Yeah. No one said I was going to become a therapist.

Cody steps away from me, rolling his eyes, but I could clearly see the defense in his eyes when I called my dad a ass. Sure Cody dislikes dad for leaving us but I know he still loves him somewhere deep down. He took it the toughest when dad left. He and dad were really close.

After dad left, Cody wouldn't talk to anyone. Wake up. Go to school. Play COD. Eat. Go to bed. That was his routine for almost two months until I couldn't take seeing his miserable side anymore. Cody was fun. He was like that person that had to be in a good mood so everyone else could be too. I fixed him.

Was there any doubts? Ahem? Just kidding. Hee. Hee.

" I'm going to school...uh bye."

'Yeah, thanks for the super-duper miraculous advice sis! Love you!'

See the love in this crazy family?

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