Kiss & Tell - [Part Twelve]

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Kiss & Tell

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Kiss & Tell - [Part Twelve]

When the skies are grey and all the doors are closing 

and the rising pressure makes it hard to breathe 

well, all I need is a hand to stop the tears from falling 

I will find him, will find him next to me

emeli sande - next to me


Mom says I am addicted to my phone.

I tell her I'm not. It's just better than facing reality. Because it is. I haven't gone out of the house since last week when we went to visit Gram. I'd like to keep it this way. Seriously. You don't have to worry about anything in a dark house other than rats crawling on your bed in the midst of the night.

I've been texting Amy and Dave everyday. They tell me what's going on in California and I tell them how messed up my life is in Maine. See? We got this.

I've spent most, well a majority, of my time rocking out to music and trying to get over the fact that Mom was practically seeing my old teacher. It isn't like I hate him or anything; it's just that he used to be MY teacher and now is my Mom's 'boyfriend.'

Sure she might object every time I say that but let's be honest here, it's true. Its not like I've seen him around, but I did notice how Mom went 'grocery shopping' a lot more than necessary. Pfft, I knew my Mom better than anyone.

Anyways, it's like 12 A.M and I'm still not asleep-Instagram and Facebook have possessed me. Literally. So yeah, maybe I'm a bit addicted but aren't we all? It's not like I've been stalking Kim Kardashian or Alex Pettyfer. Seriously, I haven't! You can ask them!

"GRRRRRRUUUMMMBBBLLLEEE." Yes, that was my stomach. I'm starving; I haven't eaten anything since the afternoon. I sigh and then put down my phone. "Stay." I warn it. The last time I left my phone in my room (yesterday) it ran off-literally! It took me FOREVER to find it. It turns out my phone likes dark, creepy places, like under my bed.

I sneak out the room, careful not to make any noise so Mom wouldn't wake up. I don't have to worry about Cody; he left like an hour ago, claiming that he was sleeping over at 'Brent,' whoever the hell that is.

When I get into the kitchen, I quickly make myself a turkey sandwich, grab a juice, and then head back to my room. I resume to my original state and get comfy in my sheets. Mom would so kill me if she knew I was eating in my bed. If anything Mom hated more than insects, it would be us eating on our beds. She says it'll eventually attract rats and our house will be filled with little Jerry's.

An hour later, my eyelids get heavy and I try to stay awake and read Amy's new text but I guess sleep won me over. I fall into a deep slumber.


Beep, beep, beep.

I yawn, is it morning already? Gosh, it feels like I've been sleeping for an hour.

Beep, beep, beep.

I frown, why wasn't my alarm shutting up? It always beeps once and then stops. I struggle to open my eyes. When I do, I am shocked to find it still night. I quickly sit up on my bed and try my best to find my phone underneath my sheets.

One missed call. (542)-6675-5267

I'm confused. I don't know anyone with that number. It is a Maine call though. So it couldn't be Dave or Amy pranking me. I am about to ignore it and go back to sleep when the phone beeps again. I click answer right away. This person will pay for waking me up from my beauty sleep.

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