Kiss & Tell - [Part Forty-four]

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Kiss & Tell
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Kiss & Tell - [Part Forty-four]


Don't fućk with my love
That heart is so cold

Don't – Ed Sheeran


Cody POV

Two years ago

"Alright class," Mr. Dicks says, quieting the room down. "Take out your books and open to page two hundred and twenty four. Do questions one through ten with the person seated next to you."

    I look besides me and immediately, I internally groan. The kid next to me is Quinn Felon, the freshmen who only hung out with the sophomores as if he was better than all of us freshmen. Quinn, I noticed long ago, is also in Caleb's little gang of morons, which made it even harder to ignore the urge to do the work alone. 

    "Hey," he says, inching his desk towards me. "I guess we're partners, right?"

     I turn to him, trying my best not to scowl, "Guess so," I mumble.

    He smiles, and starts opening up his textbook, oblivious to my death stare. "So what's your name?" He casually asks.

    "Cody," I reply, glaring. "Cody Heller."

    Quinn's hand which had been flipping through the book, suddenly freezes. Slowly, his eyes move up to mine. "H-Heller?" He nervously stutters, and then quickly starts flipping to the page.

    "Yeah," I nod my head. "Heller. Do you know a Heller?" I frown, sarcastically.

    "Used to," he mutters. "But then she disappeared."

    "Disappeared?" I repeat, shaking my head disgustedly. "Don't you mean ran away? Because I think that's a more accurate description."

    He sighs, and finally looks at me clearly. "What do you want me to say? Sorry for making your sister run away? Because I'm not. Because it wasn't my fault. Because it wasn't me who did that to her. I don't have to be sorry."

   "Are you fucking serious?" My voice starts getting louder, attracting a number of curious students. "You don't have to be sorry? You, of all people, should feel sorry." 

    He shrugs. "Well I don't."

    Maybe it's the way he said it, so carelessly, that made me jump from my seat, tackle him down to the floor, and start taking swings at his face. 

Two years later

The annoying doctor hadn't listened when I specifically told him I didn't want him to call home. But unfortunately, I didn't have the money to pay the bills so Mom had to come pick me up.

       Lets just say she wasn't exactly happy to see I was okay...

      To be honest, I really thought Jasmine would feel sorry for me and eventually come pick me up. If she had, I know she could have made things right. With her money, she would have paid the hospital bill and got me out of there before the party was even over, without Mom ever knowing.

       Turns out, Jasmine really has changed. If I ended up in a sewer dead, I don't think she would even care about me anymore.

       Maybe it's my fault, however. I did push her away. But it still sucks to know that if I ever needed her help, I couldn't call her because obviously I meant nothing to her anymore.

       Isn't that what I wanted? For her to back off and stop butting into my business? Yeah, well I got want I wanted, but it sure as hell doesn't make me feel any victorious.

      See, Jasmine always had my back, whether I wanted her to be or not. As much I've always hated that part of her that was so willing to pick me back up and try to find the good that was welling somewhere deep inside of me, I've always counted on it to be there, even when I left like it wasn't.

      But now everything is over, and even if I wanted to fix anything between Jasmine and I, I couldn't - I'm not a healer, I'm a destroyer. I could never fix things, I'll only break them and let them pray for recovery.

     "Hey," Mom snaps her fingers in my face. "Are you even listening?!" I could tell she has gotten angrier since the ride back from the hospital.

     I repeatedly blink, trying to keep my eyes from dazing off to sleep. "What?" I mumble, carefully sitting up straight in my seat.

      Mom huffs, looking irritated. "I said, where is Jasmine?"

     "I don't know," I shrug. "Probably still at the party or like at Austin's or something, I don't know."

     "It's 1 AM, Cody," Mom snaps back. "Do you even care that your sister might have gotten drunk and drove off a bridge? At least show that you care just a tiny fucking bit."

    I roll my eyes at she practically growls at me. "She's not dead if that's what you're thinking," I sarcastically assure her.

     "Oh yeah? And how would you know that for sure?"

   "Because this is Jasmine we're talking about. You know, perfect child?" I raise my eyebrows, and then turn around so I could open my door and get the hell out of there before she could start blaming WWII on me.

    Mom lets me go, as I drag myself inside the house and up the stairs towards my room. When I'm about to grip the door handle to my room, a sudden movement from across the hall startles me. I turn to the noise and follow it all the way to Jasmine's room. The door is half way open and a figure lays on the bed tossing and turning, asleep.


     I knew she wouldn't stay out late, Mom would have killed her once she came back home. Even I wouldn't consider not following Moms strict rules, because there's this thing where you can sneak out instead and not have your head cut off by Mom.

     I go back downstairs and watch as Mom paces back and forth from the kitchen to the living room and constantly checks her phone and the window for any sign of Jasmine.

    "Mom?" I sigh, not liking the fact that she is worried.

    "Not now, Cody," Mom replies without looking up, as she checks her phone once again.

    "She's sleeping," I say.

    Mom freezes. "Are you lying?" She asks, sternly.

    I shrug and move to the side of the staircase. "Check yourself," I say, waving an arm upwards.

    Mom stares at me for a couple of seconds to see if I'm playing her and then when she sees that I'm not, she bolts up the stairs to Jasmine's room.

    I roll my eyes, and walk to the kitchen to get something to quench my dry throat.

  After a few minutes, I hear Mom come back downstairs, towards the kitchen. I quickly swallow down the rest of the Monster drink that I don't think Mom would be happy to see me drinking so late at night, and try to sit casually so she doesn't notice I'm hiding a can between my legs.

   She says nothing as she opens the fridge and gets out a cold bottled water. Then she sits across from me and puts the bottle down next to her, untouched. I can tell that her face is fixed on me, and so I make it my mission to avoid her gaze by staring at my Jordan's as if they were some sort of interesting science experiment.

   "Cody," she finally says, so calmly I could almost feel it.

    I linger before I reluctantly sigh and lift my head towards her. "Yes?"

   "What happened?" She asks.

   Once again, I let out a long sigh before answering. "We went to the party, I got into a fight, they beat my ass, I ended up in the hospital. End of story."

    Mom raises an eyebrow disbelievingly. "I didn't ask for the obvious, I want the truth Cody."

    "That's the truth," I argue, staring at her with a blank face.

    "Cody," Mom's voice starts getting louder. "The truth. Now!"

    "Fine, fine," I grumble. "I made fun of these two guys and so they beat me up–"

    "Figures," Mom cuts in, rolling her eyes.

     I glare before continuing. "Jasmine was too drunk to drive me to the hospital so Brent did."

    "Drunk?" Mom says, not believing what she's hearing.

    "Yeah, drunk," I repeat, sarcastically. "She's 18, not 8, Mom. If I can get hammered, so should she."

    "It's not that," she says, scowling "Just the thought of Jasmine being drunk shocks me. I wonder what drove her to drink..." She looks away, looking deep in thought.

    I start getting up from the table, the empty can secretly hidden behind my back. "Well, you can keep wondering while I go upstairs and knock the fuck out," I tell her, inching towards the exit or rather my freedom.

    "Language," Mom snaps her head to me, scolding.

    I clench my fist and squeeze my eyes shut, idiot. You were so close...

  Turning around, I squeeze my jaw tightly and speak through my teeth. "But you just said the F word in the car..." I complain, defensively.

   "I did, didn't I?"


   "I don't remember," she replies, grinning widely. "We're not done here Cody, tomorrow me and you and Jasmine are going to have a very long talk. But for now, you can go to sleep."

   "Great," I mumble, leaving the room.

   "What was that?" Mom yells from inside the kitchen.

   "I said OKAY," I shout back, and pound up the stairs.

   When I get inside my room, I quickly lock it and slowly start taking off my clothes, leaving myself in boxers and a tank top.

   Before I could sink into the comfort of my bed, I take out my phone and check my twenty messages which have been tweeting all night at the hospital.

   Brent: Are you still alive? Ms. Heller kill you yet?

still alive...not yet, probly 2morrow . -_-

Ashton: You okay bro?


   Austin: heard what happened man, sorry...for being born an idiot.

how'd you even get my number?

   Naomi: OMG, are you okay?! I'm going to come over tomorrow. Okay?? ❤️❤️

if you do, i'm going to file a restraining order. not kidding naomi.

   The rest of the messages are all from friends who heard what happened and decided to see if I was okay. However, the last message is from Caleb, which is weird because he is the last person I ever thought would check to see if I was okay.

    Hesitantly, I click onto the message and notice that it hadn't only been sent to me, but to what looked like Caleb's entire contacts.

   A pictures loads open as the message becomes clear.

  What I see shocks me so much that the phone almost falls from my hands. The picture shows Caleb and Isaac kissing on a couch, with Isaac on top of Caleb. But it isn't them kissing that makes me want to throw up and run to the furthest country.

  The thing about this picture, this specific picture, well, it isn't exactly a picture. I mean, it might look like one, but it isn't.

  I would know that because I took that picture.



So I started junior year this week and it's been AWFUL so far. I seriously fell asleep in the middle of a math test today and I failed my first ap gov quiz and did horrible on my ap lang essay and wen i went to my dual enrollment class for the first time i realized everyones older than me and INTRO TO LOGIC IS MATH. WTF. lmao god im such a dumbass/ 

Btw I finally turned 16 which is cool. i need a job.

ANYWAYS, sorry for the long wait. But we finally reached more than 100+ pages. YAY. I know this chap was only Cody, but I felt like he needed to TALK. His POVs are usually so short. (sorry for this short update :(

what do you guys think Cody meant with the last two sentences? 

Listen to the song on the side! I love it!


next update: sunday

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