Kiss & Tell - [Part Fourteen]

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Kiss & Tell

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Kiss & Tell - [Part Fourteen]


Saturday morning is exhausting.

When the alarm rang at 8:00 for no apparent reason, I felt this need, almost like when a druggie wants another hit, that made me want to get up and find Cody and smack him for making me as tired as a sexacholic who has been at it since the early morning.

But no, I didn't have the energy to get up or smack Cody.


Saturday morning is spent sleeping.

I'm already loving my summer.


"It's shopping day, Jasmine! Aren't you excited?!" Mom shouts from the top of the stairs, Monday afternoon. She looks ready with her black pants and some cute orange top.

I wonder where she is going after the mall...

"Mom...........I DON'T WANT TO GO." I say, trying my best not to bang my head against the wall. Sure shopping sounds great because I need a few pair of shorts, but I don't want to risk a chance of running into 'The Devils,' at the mall. Yes, I've gave them their own title. Aren't I so smart?

"Oh, please Jasmine," Mom rolls her eyes. "Don't even get me started."

I groan, scratching my head, trying my best to give her a puppy-dog look. But she only tilts her head and raises an eyebrow.

"You can see that, that isn't working. Get up and get dressed. We only have two hours to buy you some decent clothes before we head over to the Robinson's," she says, pulling out her phone and dropping on the couch as she texts away. When I don't move she gives me 'the stink eye' and shouts a, "NOW!"


"Pink shirts, blue shirts, red shirts, yellow shirts, freaky shirts and now ALL AT ONCE!" I shout at the little kids staring at me as if I'm some sort of God.

They repeat after me in a monotone voice, each of them looking excited and ready to learn more from my genius lyrics. I smile, evilly, and repeatedly nod my head.

"Excellent, excellent. Now were going to learn something new, okay? I want you to do what you guys just did-repeat after me," I say. They nod and I grin again.

Man, I underestimated little kids.

"Are we going to learn how to make my teddy fly?" A little girls voice whines from the front of the group. I glare at her.

"No!" This earns a pout from the girl with the two piggy tails.


Thirty minutes later, a few angry Moms, and a boot from the manager, I manage to convince my Mom that I have enough clothes at home and would love to get the hell out of the mall before I start another group of lyrical singers. It works and we head home to get ready for dinner at the Robinson's.

The Robinson's are my mother's work partners. Mom has known them 'forever.' She says that they have kids about my age and I should probably have them as best friends by the end of today. I roll my eyes as she says this and pop bubble gum in the rear mirror.

I am so bored with my life, that even the mention of new friends makes me roll my eyes. I couldn't make new friends. Friends are totally out of my mind for the summer. I mean, why make new ones when I'm leaving in two months? See? No point.

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