Chapter 1

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Mistystar trudged with her head held high, and her muzzle perked towards the sky as she watched the clouds pass by.

It was a fine day, the sun was high in the sky, and the forest was buzzing with life. Suddenly the sound of paw steps caught Mistystar's attention, and her ears were laid back; her tail went skyward, and her chin lifted "who goes there?" she hissed with bared teeth and claws out.

The bushes rustled once more before a ginger-colored tabby tom tumbled out of the thicket. Mistystar stared at the tom, surprised, before shaking her head in surprise and growly, "who are you, and what are you doing in ThunderClan territory?"

The red cat stared at her with wide emerald eyes before he snorted and went into a fighting passion "who I am or what I do here is of no concern to you" Mistystar was blown away by his bravado, but that was all it was. she knew that when the two would start fighting, either they would back out.

She sighed and bared her teeth again, showing her abnormally long fangs and sharp claws "very well, if you do not give nay information, then I must force my hand. remember you made this choice, not I," and the two lunged at each other tearing at each other's fur with zeal.

Mistystar was surprised at how well this male could fight as she smelled that he was not from any fighting clan. Finally, however, it made her stop, and the male got the upper hand on her, pushed her to the ground, and held her firmly under his front paws.

Mistystar gasped and howled in pain as the male's sharp claws dug into her shoulders, but she did not attempt to push him away as she would an enemy. Instead, she snorted and bared her teeth again before letting out a sharp roar that shook the forest and scared the poor birds off their branches.

The auburn male yelped and leaped away from Mistystar, scratching his ears at the intensity of the roar. Mistysar stood and shook her white fur before glaring at the tom. "never restrain a she-cat if you're not going to kill her. Who are you? This time I want answers."

The male cat shook his head and wrinkled his muzzle. "alright, I'm sorry. My name is Rusty, and I come from the Twolegplace nearby." 


Mistystar and Rusty soon hit it off, and before they both knew it, hours had passed, and they were suddenly confronted by none other than ThunderClan leader Bluestar.

Mistystar bowed as Rusty stared at the older she-cat. "Mistystar stands, my dear; you are more royal than I will ever be," Bluestar meowed, nudging his deputy. Mistystar nodded and smiled at her best friend before standing up.

"of course, Blustar," she glanced at Rusty before turning her ear "this is Rusty, a kittypet from a Twolegs nest outside our borders," she said. Bluestar turned her gaze to the tom, who dipped his head. she nodded back. "I know we were watching you two. You are a strong fighter, Misty. And you, too, kittypet. I've never seen a cat do that before, especially on someone so much bigger than you," she said.

Rusty smiled proudly at himself. "but unfortunately, you're a bit out of it. You need to train more Kittypet. Say what you reason to be here when you can lunge 'round in your nest?" asked Bluestar, making Mistystar turn her gaze to the tom.

Rusty suddenly felt confused under the she-cat's gaze and lowered her green eyes. "w-well... I wanted to explore the forest and see more of the place I live. But relaxing in a Twolegs nest isn't as great as you make it out to be," he meowed, patting the gourd.

Mistystar frowned but turned back to his best friend and meowed, "Bluestar, why don't we train him under the warrior code? He doesn't like it at home, and as I've said, as your friend and duty, we can't keep to ourselves all the time. ShadowClan is growing bigger every day, and so are the others. We're not cats who want to waste the opportunity on good allies, are we?"

Bluestar hummed and flicked her tail in thought "you're right, Misty. we'll take him back to camp and see what the Clan thinks. come on," the grey she-cat exclaimed and ran back into the forest. Still, Mistystar waited with a smile before she said, "come on," and sprinted after her leader, and Rusty could do nothing but follow her to his destiny.

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