Chapter 10

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"Mistyheart!" Mistyheart woke up to the call of her name, which caused her to shoot up with a yowl and lash her tail. "What is the meaning of this?!" she hissed. Then, as she turned around, her mind tore down, and she flattened her ears. "Oh.. sorry, Whitestorm..."

The older warrior smiled and shook his head. "It's alright, Mistyheart. But come quickly" Without another word, the giant warrior walked out of the cave, and Mistyheart sighed but followed quickly. When she came out, she gasped.

In the clearing, cats were all over, claws raked, and fur daughters flew. It was a battle. "w-what happened?" she peeped. Her claws had already worn out of their holsters. "Tigerclaw attacked with some rouges and started attacking camps. Come on, we need you," said Whitestorm and threw herself into the fight again. Mistheart did the same and attacked a trembling warrior who had black fur.

This one lunged at one of the old ShadowClan cats they had driven out of ShadowClan camps a few moons back. With a snarl, Mistyheart's claws ripped this young tom's ear, sending him howling away from the camp. Then, with a snort, the young deputy pounced on the next cat before hearing the familiar voice of her old friend.

Bluestar was in danger. Without restraint, Mistyheart ran towards her leader's den, stopping the crime when she saw who had her beloved friend pinned. It was Tigerclaw, another good friend. "T-Tigerclaw?" she sputtered, her eyes wide. The warrior whirled around and stopped momentarily before flicking his tail.

"Mistyheart? What are you doing here?" he said. Mistyheart looked at him with eyes that quickly filled with tears. "W-what are you doing?" she asked, the tears making it hard to speak, but she couldn't stop herself. Tigerclaw sighed and pressed her claws deeper into Bluestar's chest. "This Clan is weak. It needs a leader who will do what's best for it. And that can only be me. You can help me. Help me kill Fireheart. That little kittypet is no match for you.
" he hissed. Mistyheart said nothing.

Her claws gripped the stone so tightly that she had to let it go after a while because they would break. "," she said. Her pride and love for the orange tom came back strong now. "I don't want to kill someone so close to me. Let Bluestar go now, and we can figure this out together. Tigerclaw, please." The strong warrior sighed and flashed his teeth. "I've done nothing but sit down and talk things out. I'm done with that now. You chose Fireheart over me. You chose weakness, and therefore you will die. You leave me no other choice," so suddenly, he leaped off the ThunderClan leader and slapped Mistyheart across her chest.

She knew it was meant to kill her quickly, but Mistyheart just whimpered in pain and stepped away, but she soon responded by biting Tigerclaw's ear hard enough that after a while, it fell off. Mistyheart spat it out, and her friend's blood bubbled out of her jaws. "I don't want to fight you, Tigerclaw. But if you threaten my clan and my leader, you give me no second chance." then she lunged again, this time strong and more severe in her punches.

Soon Fireheart and Graystripe helped her, and Blue Star was safe for now. Tigerclaw grunted and writhed under their paws but did not attempt to escape. Even Tigerclaw knew when he was defeated.

Mistyheart's heart ached as she dragged him out of Bluestar's den and into the light where all the cats of her Clan were gathered-many wounded and some helped by Cinderpelt and Yellowfang.

But all the bevelgxse stopped when the deputy pulled out the great warrior with her friends. She released him and said tremblingly, "Tigerclaw just did something that will either be punished with death or banishment. He tried to kill our beloved Bluestar, who would soon come and give him justice. As this clan deputy, I want to say that I am hurt and..." she breathed, "that I w-want... to be alone now." she walked away as the Clan spoke in low voices. Some even whispered about how they would help comfort her. Still, she did not stop and soon lay down in her nest and cried.


Mistyheart didn't wake up until the next day when a warm body appeared beside her. With a sob, she raised her head and saw Bluestar's kind blue eyes.

"come here," the leader said, and Mistyheart leaned into her old friend and began to cry more until she had no more tears to give. "h-what is T-Tigerclaw's verdict?" she asked when she had calmed down with her nose still buried in Bluestar's chest. Bluestar sighed. "I have sent him away. He is no longer welcome within our borders and will not show his face here again," she said.

Mistyheart nodded and dug in deeper. Bluestar gave her best friend a lick before curling up around Mistyheart, and they soon fell into a light sleep.

When they awoke, Firehart was at the entrance to the cave. He smiled sheepishly, but Bluestar flicked his tail at him to get him to come closer. Mistyheart looked up and smiled back at him as he smacked her. "hey, how are you feeling?" he asked, sitting down next to the two female cats. Mistyheart shrugged her shoulders. "As well as I can. Thanks for you and Graystripe coming when you did. I couldn't have kept him off anything longer than I did."

Fireheart blushed and looked away. Bluestar smiled, licking Mistyheart's forehead before standing up and said over her shoulder as she left, "I'll let you two talk it out." then she disappeared into the sunlight. Mistyheart greeted and stood up as well as she sat down closer to her friend. "thanks for... everything, Fireheart," the said tomcat smiled and nuzzled her nose with his. "of course, Misytheart. for you, I'll do anything" he said. Misty's heart smiled and nuzzled into him, curling her tail around his as they sat silently for some time.

"Fireheart?" she said after a while. The said Tom hummed, looking at her with his green eyes. "I've... chosen," she stated, blushing. Fireharet's eyes lit up. "Tell me!" he said exicdelty. Misytheart bit her lip to keep her laughter in and said bashfully. "I say yes. I want to become your mate" Fireheart had never looked happier, and he hugged her and licked her so much that she had to squeal for help before she stopped laughing breathlessly.

"oh, StarClan! Thank you, Mistyheart, you've just made me the happiest tom in the forest," he said, beaming. Misttyheart laughed and cuddled into him, satisfied.

She had a feeling she'd done the right thing.

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