Chapter 5

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Mystyheart sighed as she opened her eyes. she was in the warrior's den, and next to her was Whiteheart. Many on the camp speculated that Mistyheart and Whitestorm were brother and sister, but no one had any proof yet.

And to be honest, Mistyheart was much strange than her so-called brother. He didn't have extra long teeth and not extra strong claws. He was just an ordinary forest cat with white fur. "hey, Mistyheart slept well?" the tom meowed and smiled at his friend. Mistyheart nodded and mewed back, "yes, just fine. You then, Whitestorm?"

The tom also nodded and stood up in his nest. "just fine," he yawned and stretched. "I think Bluestar wants us to be ready for the ShadowClan attack. Anyway, come on, it's better to be early to fresh kill arrows than late, you know," he said and walked out of the den with Mistyheart following him.

They soon arrived at the pile of all the fresh prey the clan had caught. There was everything from mice to sparrows here. But Mistyheart liked the mice the best since they were meatier than the sparrows, and somehow eating them didn't make her feel so bad.

"oh, Mistyheart," said a dark voice, and the clan deputy turned to see Tigerclaw paddling towards them. Mistyheart dipped her head in greeting, and Tigerheart did the same. "hello, Tigerclaw. is there something?" asked Mistyheart, flicking her tail. The big warrior smiled at her and graciously nudged her with his nose.

"no, dear. I just wanted to know if you were alright. You haven't been around the Training Hallow much lately. hasn't Bluestar given you any apprentices?" Mistyheart shook her head. "No. She knows that being a deputy is enough as it is. I don't need any more things to look after." Tigerlclaw nodded and took a sparrow from the pile, and began to tear into it.

Whitestorm stopped eating his prey and gave the giant warrior a look before standing up and walking over to Mistyheart "are you alright?" he asked, and the she-cat sighed "yes, but he could have.. taken it to another den," she meowed and shivered.

Whitesnort chuckled and nudged her, "come, we can eat somewhere else" Mistyheart nodded and picked her mouse between her teeth, and trotted after Whitestorm, who led her to the tree root outside the apprentice den. There Firepaw, Graypaw, and Ravenpaw were already eating. All three apprentices looked up as their superiors came over and dipped their heads. "Mistyheart, Whitestorm," Ravenpaw meowed.

Mistyheart smiled and sat down with her prey in front of her paws. "hello to you too, apprentices. How has the day been for you so far?"

The apprentices told her everything from the time they woke up until now. Mistyheart was intent on listening to their happy voices and wanted to be an apprentice herself so she could be with these cute tomcats for as long as her training was. But alas, it was just a wish and could not be granted. She was a warrior, after all, and would rather not have to go through the training again.

Especially if Tigerclaw would be her trainer. *sigh* that wouldn't be for her.


Mistyheart padded around the camp with her head raised. Fireheart came over to her, and together they walked out of the center after telling Darkstripe.

They had fun and played in the forest. They went to a clearing with only grass and a few boulders. Both cats sat down, tails twined together. "Mistyheart," called Fireheart, and the deputy hummed. Fireheart took a deep bust and curled his tail over his front paws, and looked away from the white she-cat. "I-I... I-I like you, Mistyheart. I have for a while now, and it's okay if you don't like me, but I just wanted you to know."

Mistyheart didn't know what to say, and she stared at Fireheart. she had been there since he came into the clan following his training, and now he suddenly said he liked her? he wasn't even a warrior yet. But she knew it didn't matter. If you chose someone, it was who they wanted. And Mistyheart might not say it out loud, but she thought Fireheart was handsome.

And maybe, just maybe, she liked him. But she didn't know what her answer would be "can... I think about it?" she meowed, and Fireheart nodded with a convincing smile "of course! Just take your time" Mistyheart smiled and curled her tail, and there they sat on the boulder until the sun left the sky and let the moon come up. But neither of them was aware of the yellow eyes staring at them as they entered the gorse tunnel again.

He growled, and his fur stood on end as he held still. If this was the one Mistyheart wanted... then maybe he should let her have him then. But his heart didn't want that, and he had already decided that Mistyheart was his, and that was how it would be. No one would steal her from him, at least not a kittypet.

So at that moment, Tigerclaw began to plan something that would get Fireheart away for good...

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