Chapter 2

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Mistystar and her friend Bluestar led the kittypet to the clan and were immediately interested in the new cat. The grey she-cat jumped up on Highrock and said, "all of you gather here to hear my words."

Soon all the cats that were here arrived at the great path. Mistystar led Rusty to the small clearing in the giant green grass in front of the rock and sat down. Rusty did the same. "today, one of our best warriors and my best friend were out on patrol and found something surprising. why don't you tell them, dear Mistystar?" said Bluestar, and the white she-cat nodded and stood up.

"Today, I found a kittypet. I know many of us don't like cats like this, but I can promise you that this cat is a warrior. He managed to pin me under his paws with little effort. That's why when Bluestar found us, I asked her that we take him to the clan and train him under the warrior code. So all hail Rusty" with a flick of her tail Mistystar called the new cat, and Rusty followed her orders and walked up beside her with his head held high.

"I am Rusty, and I want to thank your leader and warrior for taking me in here. I hope that somehow I can show that I am worthy of ThunderClan." he meowed, and Mistystar smiled. "Is anyone against our orders?" Bluestar said. For a long while, no cat said anything, but then a lean, pale brown or silver tabby tom with black stripes and pale blue eyes said.

The tom snorted, walked up to Mistystar, and meowed, "that cat, there is nothing but a kittypet. why would you even want a cat the same type as the ones that got your parents killed?" Rusty looked over at the white she-cat and saw her big blue eyes narrow. Then, finally, she hissed out, "I chose him because I don't hold on to the past. you shouldn't either, Longtail. it won't do you any good, and this is Bluestar's choice, not yours or mine. I just came up with the idea. now go back" the she-cat nodded respectfully to the star predator and went back to her spot.

Mistystar sighed and turned to Rusty "don't mind that mouser there. He sometimes doesn't know what's best for him" Rusty smiled and shook his head. "no, it's alright. He's right; I'm just a kittypet. I haven't shown any dignity yet. but don't worry, I will, and I won't disappoint you!" Mistystar smiled and gave rusty a lick on his forehead before she stood up and left, but she stopped in the middle and said over her shoulder, "I know you won't, Rusty," and then she walked off with the green-eyed cat-looking after her with a smile.


Time passed, and Rusty became Firepaw. Mistypaw was the first to congratulate him when he got his apprentice's name, and he gave her a kind, loving smile. But in the shadows, someone else was watching with fiery yellow eyes full of hatred and anger.

"you will be mine....." he whispered to himself and flicked his tail "no matter what it takes, my little Misty, this clan will burn, and you will be the next queen. No matter what it takes..."

Mistystar went around and showed Firepaw the battle 

and all the cats. As they passed, she introduced herself. Mistystar also explained what storytelling things like Silverpelt and StarClan were. It was all fun and games until they got to the cave where the apptriencies sleep.

Out came a pale ginger she-cat with barely visible stripes of darker fur and leaf-green eyes. she nodded to Mistystar, then turned to Firepaw and narrowed her eyes "oh, this is a quilted cat? Tch, he smells like a kittypet. I hope you don't want me to share a nest with that stink!" Misty star's usually kind blue eyes turned cold, and she snapped, "watch how you talk, Sandpaw. This is your new mate in training" Snadpaw rolled her eyes and hissed, "whatever you say 'deputy,' he'll just be a kittypet. I don't care" then she walked away, and Mistystar sighed but made no effort to excuse the other she-cat.

Firepaw said nothing and followed her into the cave. "here is where apprentices sleep until they become warriors." she said, and Firepaw nodded "where are you sleeping? you are a warrior, aren't you?" Mistystar nodded and lashed her tail. "I can show you my cave tomorrow, but it's best if you sleep, Firepaw. The day has been long and tiring. Goodnight" with her muzzle pressed against Firepaw's temple, Mistystar walked out of the cave and into her own once again, she told Firepaw with a faraway smile.

That she-cat was something else.

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