Chapter 3

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Mistystar trotted around in the camp, greeting her fellow cats with a dip of her head before heading to the fresh-kill pile where a chunk of a water vole was waiting. She licked her chops hungrily before taking it and sitting down in some shadowed convert. 

Suddenly she smelled the scent of Firepaw, and she grinned, looking up her bright blue eyes and finding the green ones of the tom who dipped his head at her "Firepaw, so nice to see you," Mistystar mewed and flicked her tail. Firepaw did the same, and soon they just sat there in silence before the white she-cat sighed and nudged the half she hadn't eaten of her fresh kill to the ginger tom "eat Firepaw, you need it." she said, and Firepaw glanced at her with wide eyes.

"r-really? But what about you?" the white warrior shrugged and lay down with her front paws tucked under her chest. "I've eaten already. I just got this for lunch, that's all, and I've eaten my fill. You can take the rest. I know that Tigerclaw doesn't let you eat due to your breaking of the Warrior Code, but I think you still should. You're getting thin," she mewed, and Firepaw sighed but did as Mistystar said. 

She was his deputy and his friend, after all. 

Mistystar glanced over the crowed clearing to the dark gray she-cat who was busy glaring at some captaincies that dared to come within her bubble Mistystar had noticed that it was only Firepaw, the old she-cat had allowed coming even close to her. Mistystar herself hadn't tried yet due to her resentment against senior cats. 

Not that she hated Yellowfang, but her stench and matted fur were enough to make the younger cat keep her distance. Besides, it was only a moon since the old scrap of bones had come to camp limping and growling, so it wasn't weird for the deputy to be a little bit septical about Yellowfang. 

Firepaw noticed his friend's distant gaze and followed it, and sighed "dont mind Yellowfang, alright? she's old and battered. I have a feeling that ShadowClan didnt treat her as she was supposed to. or something like that" suddenly, his green eyes lit up, and Mistystar narrowed her "why don't you greet her? you're the deputy, after all, I think she wants to meet you, and I know she will accept you like... well me somewhat. come on!" he darted up on his paws and bounded over the clearing leaving no argument for Mistystar who sighed and stood up too making her way over to the old she-cat. 

The ex-medicine cat growled at the sight of a new face and flicked her ears back "why have you brought that princess over here?" snarled Yellowfang, and Mistystar had to bite her tongue from retort back and only dipped her head respectfully to her elder. "it is nice to meet you too Yellowfang. I am Mistystar," she mewed evenly. 

Even if the old cat were going to be a pain in the tail, Mistytar wouldn't let that get to her. Firepaw smiled at his friend's polite introduction and glanced over at Yellowfang, who rolled her eyes and turned her back to them "go away little miss princess. you too, Firepaw. I have no use for either of your actions now. leave me to take a nap" she meowed harshly. Mistystar nodded even though the older cat couldn't see it and walked away, leaving Firepaw with his charge. 


Tigerclaw watched as the one she-cat he had always been interested in walked to Bluestar and touched snouts with her before the two beautiful ones rested in the sun. 

The big tom grinned at the sight even though it was hidden. "you like one of them, do you not?" came an even deep voice. The big, dark brown tabby tom rolled his amber eyes. "which I like is of no concern of yours" he hissed, and Darkstripe chuckled "I know but its fun to tease you Tigerclaw even I wouldn't mind having Mistystar as a crush you know, but you have to fight for her with Firepaw. Not a fair fight if you ask me." 

Tigerclaw growled and bared his teeth. Darkstripe knows how to tick him off. The black cat nudged his friend and said, "whatever, I would win anyway. Misty star's been in my sight forever, and it's time I got her... you wouldn't mind helping me?" Darkstripe hissed lowly and turned his back at his friend "no thanks. that deputy is nothing for me. too white and too pretty. shes all yours," and then he ran off, leaving the big tom alone, who rolled his eyes before standing up and heading into his den. 

He would've taken misty for a stargazing time tonight. Still, he wasn't in a good mood, not yet at least, and so he curled up with a yawn spreading on his lips before he fell asleep, leaving the world of the living for a moment with his dreams being filled with Mistystar and him nuzzling and keeping their kits safe some hidden grove somewhere in the forest. 

But that wasn't the only cat who dreamed about our main chacteceter. 

Firepaw sighed in his nest and looked over at the white warrior. She was like an eternal jewel in the moonlight that blessed them all. Her white pelt shone like a crystal and what packed with light bubbles.

Firepaw shook his head and tried to get some sleep. But as he slept only, Mistystar was on his mind. So intimately, he just left her there. she wouldn't go away no matter how hard he tried, and neither would he.

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