Chapter 7

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Days passed, and Mistyheart became more and more restless.

Not because of what had happened but what she feared would happen. So today was when she, Firepaw, Bluestar, and some other essential Clan cats would go to the Moonstone and talk to StarClan.

Misty might finally see what she was meant to be and what would happen.

With a sigh, Misty went after her best friend and some cats going to the Moonstone. Firepaw and Graypaw were there, too, walking just behind the white she-cat. They all whispered amongst themselves as the moon rose over the forest's castle.

Misty glanced over at Firepaw and smiled quietly as she saw him smiling with Graypaw. "You love him," Bluestar's voice came from beside her, and Mistyheart jumped.

"argh, Bluestar!" she hissed low and swatted her friend with her tail. Bluestar smiled and shook her head "what? you, it's as clear as the stars in Silverpelt. just go for him," she said, and Misttyheart sighed.

"I don't think I can. I know he loves Spottedleaf, and who can say anything against that?" Bluestar said intently to counter that and stopped at the Mothermouth and turned to the cats following her "today StarClan will speak to us. all those who can join me and the rest keep watch outside here." with a flick of her tail, she, Mistyheart, Spottedleaf, and Firepaw slipped into the dark cave.

None of the cats could see a nose's length ahead of them, but Bluestar, who had been here before, padded forward in the darkness, so Mistyheart followed her and Spottedleaf just as Firepaw followed her.

Soon they came to a large crystal that shone in all its glory in the moonlight. Mistyheart smiled and sat down with Firepaw next to her "wow... is this the Moonstone?" he asked. Misty nodded "this is where StarClan talks to our leaders and medicine cats and where Bluestar will get his nine lives. Once you become the leader, you will get your lives from here too," she said, nudged the auburn tom, who meowed quietly.

"Do you think I will be a leader one day?" he said. Mistyheart shrugged her shoulders "it's up to you" then she curled up and waited for StarClan.


I'm changing Mistyheart's name to another one, that's all.

- Z

Ivyspirit stared up at a giant face shrouded in smoke and ash. "why are you not the one you are meant to me, young Ivyspirit?" it said, the front of its jaws moving, showing strong long fangs that shone and glimmered like there were thousands of stars embedded in them.

Ivyspirit sputtered, "wh-who are you?" the face in teh smoke sighed and flared something behind its back "they call me Dusksight, but my real name is Mymryt. I am your inner soul, little one, or more straight put; I am you" Ivyspirit didnt know what to believe. This strange being couldn't be her. There was no way in StarClan she was a monster, right?

Mymryt sighed and dipped her head "many see me as a monster, I get that, but I promise you that my fire will not burn those innocent. And I can only accomplish that if you let me. So let us be one, you and I. you are meant to be this way," she gestured a talon at herself, who was becoming more and more apparent in teh smoke, and Ivyspirit gasped.

Scales riddled this body of a beast so big it would dwarf any cat, even Tigerclaw. "w-what are you?" she whispered, her voice bearly. Mymryt sat down, curling her long, muscular tail over her front paws "I am what they call, well, the twolegs, a dragon. A beast of flames and ice who bears wings as strong as teh wind itself or who crawls on their stomachs and spits deadly acid. I am, in many ways, in their eyes, a monster. They were meant to scare kids that don't believe. But you, young Ivyspirit is, n't a monster. No, you are a dragon. You are a queen, and you are a leader."

Ivyspirit snorted and bared her teeth. "I'm no such thing! I can't even challenge Bluestar to be a leader," Mymryt snorted "you are her deputy, are you not?" That stopped the young she-cat. She was a deputy, meaning she had some authority over the clan and could lead them if Bluestar should get sick or fall away to the Silverpelt.

No, Ivyspirit thought fiercely, I would not take Bluestar's place. I am but a humble cat not meant to rule. Her thoughts seemed to echo around her, and Mymryt reared her head back, folding her wings "you are meant to do greater things than you can imagine," and then the image of this dream faded, shook, and disparaged, and Ivyspirit woke up in the hollow where the Moonstone was.

She sighed and shook herself before glancing around to see Firepaw looking at her worriedly from his spot by the glowing crystal that had yet to leave Bluestar. He padded over to her as quickly and quietly as he could and touched noses with her "'re you alright?" he mewed. Ivyspirit hummed and stood up, looking back at her friends.

"We should let them get some alone time Firepaw. Come, we will go to Ravenpaw and Graypaw" Firepaw nodded and padded out of Mouthermouth side by side, but Mymryt's words still rung clear as day in Ivyspirit's mind.

If her destiny was to be a beast feared by all, then why is she a cat?

StarClan can only answer her questions; now, her time is not yet to know. But as Spottedleaf had said: Fire alone will save the Clan.

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