Chapter 8

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Mistyheart sighed as she watched the snowflakes starting to fall, covering the camp in fine white linen. Fireheart, who had been newly appointed to warrior, was coming toward her, his orange fur contrasting against the fluffy clouds of the snow. She smiled, touching her nose to his. "hey, Fireheart. How was the vigil?" she asked, her tail swishing behind her string-up leaves.

The orange tom sat down, twining their tails together, reminding Mistyheart that she still had to give him her answer about his love for her. A pang of guilt and fear coursed through her. She hadn't thought that the young tom loved her and that he was waiting for her response. I have to give it to him soon. He's been waiting since Leaf-bare, and I can't go around bearing this answer in my chest all year. '

"just fine, It was cold as always. The Leaf-bare's on her way," Firehaert said. Mistyheart hummed, her eyes distant as her thoughts whirled on what answer she would give the fire like Tom, the one she had accepted into the Clan and the one who had fought by her side in those few battles they had together.

"Hey, you alright, Misty?" he mewed, suddenly waking Mistyheart from her stupor. She shook her white head and looked at him, her eyes wide "Y-yes! Just thinking is all," she said, stuttering but sighing. "Firehaert," he said thoughtfully, and the tom tensed beside her. "yes?" he said cautiously. Mistyheart opened her maw to speak, but just then, a yowl of fury came over the clearing, and her words were whisked away. Both cats shot to their paws, their eyes wide and darting around the clearing as they saw strange cats coming pelting in and attaching the ThunderClan cats.

"WindClan!" Fireheart growled, nudging Mistyheart. "Stay here," he ordered, but the white she-cat snorted. "I don't want to leave you in battle!" she snapped. Still, Fireheart curled his tail around her neck, gently holding her back. "Stay here. I can't bear to lose you either, and you're our next leader when Bluestar says so. the Clan needs you, Mistyheart, just as much as I do., so stay safe and hidden. I will be back" with those words, he ran off, pouncing on an oncoming tom nearly twice his size but thin and weak.

Mistyheart closed her eyes as the yowls of her Clanmates rose to the sky to StarClan, and she prayed. For Fireheart and her Clan, that they would b alright. A sudden hiss of something brought her attention to the forest. To the sky was something rising. Something that smelled of sulfur and ash.


"Fire!" she roared, stopping all of the cats that battled their fazing, shaping to the forest that was blazing with hot red flames, angerly making their way to camp.

Mistyheart didn't care for Fireheart's warning to stay safe. She had to save her friends and the kittens that couldn't defend themselves or run. So sheshe zoomed into the Nursery, seeing Yellowfang nudging kits to the exit. "here, Yellowfang!" Mistyheart growled, leaping forward and clasping her jaws around the nearest equipment, lifting her into the air and helping Yellowfang with the others.

With one tail over the old she cat's flank, the warrior's ord Medicine cat made it out of Nurser,y, which was starting to flare with flames and smoke. They laughed but luckily didn't get all the smoke in their lungs. Yellowfang nudged Mistyheart and pointed with her nose to the tall hill that the Deputy had sat on just a few hours before or seconds.

Mistyheart nodded and pelted as fast as she could, gently placing the kit down and saying salty, "Stay here, stay still, or the fire will reach you" She then returned to get the rest of the kits with Yellowfang's help. They soon curled around the gears, their fur keeping them warm on the snowy ground.

Right now, the little rivalry between teh two she-cats was forgotten, their instincts to protect smaller cats kicking in.

Mistyheart focused on teh battle, trying to see some familiar faces. Instead, she saw flashes of Tigerclaw as he battled catsrepeatedlye, shredding them open with his claws. She shuddered as a large spray of blood painted the snow underneath the warrior's paws but looked away, trying to search for someone who wasn't as bloody and horrible as that.

She found Fireheart, the young fiery warrior battling a familiar tom.

With a start, Mistheart realized it was Brokenstar, the ShadowClan leader.

Was ShadowClan behind this? And why would they attack with WindClan when there had been no gashing between the three Clans on the moon? This didnt make any sense, but soon enough, the battle died down; those wounded wailed and liked their fur to keep themselves clean. "I need to go," Yellowfang rasped, standing up but wincing as the little kit she held in her paws mewled and cambered for a better hold. "you don't need to, " Said Mistyheart. "I will take care of them," she stood to her paws, nudging the kitten she had in her feet over to the old grey she-cat.

She made it over to the wounded warriors giving them some things she had found and saved out of the Medicine den when she was there the last time.e

"here," she said, coming over to Tigerclaw wrapping his paws in cobwebs. he grunted, "Why isn't Yellowfang doing her job?" Mistyheart rolled her eyes and finished her wrapping. "Because she has to stay with the kits, we saved Tigerclaw. She can't run around doing everything herself even though she is the medicine cat. She has a life and a body, too. Respect that," she whispered over to Bluestar, who was panting over the body of Brokenstar, who was growling, but his growing subsided when he saw Mistyheart.

She gave him a stern glare, helped her leader to her paws, and brought her to the medicine den. Then, who was likely not buried. "stay here, Bluestar. I will get the others," she said. Bluestar nodded in gratitude before she sank together into a nest.

When Mistyheart was done bringing wounded cats to the den, she made to find Fireheart. She saw him talking and sharing tounges with Graystripe.

She smiled and nudged them with her tail. "Hello, boys. Good to see you two up and going. Now come on, you need to heal," she said. They didn't protest and walked after her in stiff cold leggings. She soon slipped into the den giving the two a lick on the ear before she walked over to Yellofang, who was still curled up around the kids. "there now, all the cats from our Clan are in the medical done. You should be able to care for them now. I will take these cats to their mother." Yellowfang nodded and gingerly stood up, shaking her dark-furred body, and hurried off, leaving it to Mistyheart to bring the camp's future to their mother. 

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