An Angel's Heart Episode 36

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An Angel's Heart:

Season 3 Episode 11: My Call II

I slid the bar at the bottom of my screen.

"Hello?" I asked curiously. Was this a prank? Had some asshole taken her phone and started spam dialing everyone? Or was this actually her?

"Hi. It's me, Angel." her voice filled my ears. I sat down on the curb.

"Angel?" I asked again.

"Yeah. It's me." she replied.

"Oh. Um. Hi." I said awkwardly. What was I supposed to say?!

"Ok look. I know things haven't worked out back then. But I'm back in Brisbane and I was just wondering if you want to meet up."

"Yeah sure!"

"Um ok. Just call me when you're free."

"You call me when YOU'RE free." I said.

"It's been a while Ty."

"Yeah. How've you been?"

"Fine. I guess."


"Yeah. Pretty much."

"Ok. How's about tomorrow for lunch?"

"Okie Dokie." she said emotionlessly. I was like that too. I guess that's what happens when you don't talk for so long. I was wondering if things would ever work out. After all, when people get so close, just to fall apart, they'll never be the same. There'll always be that feeling of mistrust. You'll never let your guard down.

"Ok. So yeah. I've missed you Ty." she said, tearing my attention away from my random thoughts.

"Uh what?" I asked. Not exactly sure of what she had just said.

"I said I've missed you." she repeated.

"Oh. Yeah I've missed you too baby." I said. Only then did I realize what I just said. I heard Angel breathing deeply, obviously stunned by what I had just said. I didn't say a word for a while.

"Yeah. So um, I'll call you back?" she said finally, breaking the extreme awkwardness between us.

"Yeah. I'll pick up." I tried to joke.

"Ok. Bye Ty." she said and hung up. I didn't even get a chance to respond.

"Bye Angel.." I said, hanging onto her every word just said.

I sat there at that curb. Cars honking as I was hazardously close to the road. I gave them all my magic finger. I pulled my cigarette case and out of it, a cigarette itself. I lit it up and pondered over everything that just happened. It wasn't until I was late for my appointment did John finally call me.

"John Asshole. Slide to answer." my phone said and vibrated.

"Jesus." I muttered and answered it.

"And where the hell are you? We're supposed to be in my office sipping tea and talking right now!" he said over the phone. Practically shouting.

"Relax Johnny. I'm like downstairs of your office." I said.

"You.. Oh." he said, looking out the window and staring at me.

"Well come along then!" he said again. I got up and was about to hang up.

"And put out that cigarette Ty."


We talked for hours. But I didn't say a thing about Angel.

The next day,

I opened my eyes to the same alarm tune Becky and I have been using for years. I never knew the name. It was a weird Russian song and she always woke up immediately because of how creepy it sounded. Yeah it was creepy.

I felt excited. But it felt wrong. To let go of Becky. And to just start again. It didn't feel like I was really honoring her name. What would people think? As I asked myself these questions, I walked down the stairs to a living room filled with empty booze cups from game night. They were all awake though. Frying bacon for breakfast.

"Hey Ty, some bacon?" Brad asked with a clingy Jessica hugging his stomach as he cooked.

"Guys. Angel called me." I said. Everyone stopped everything.

"What?" Brad said. Obvious he was upset.

"Babe, chill." Jessica said and put her hand on his crotch. I looked away. How is that supposed to help anyway?

"You mean Angel, the Angel that dumped you and left after breaking your heart without explaining everything and the Angel that made my life hell because I spent months drinking and listening to your pathetic bitch ass whine like a whore after pay night?" he ranted. All in one breath too.

"Dude, I whined for a night and then I met Becky." I said. Wincing at her name. God it hurt.

"Oh. God bless her. And thanks to her I found Jessy." he said and Jessica punched him.

"I told you not to call me that! See Ty? I was really hoping that name wouldn't stick. Thanks a lot." she said to me, I couldn't tell if she was upset or just plain pissed.

"Anyway, point is, she wants to meet me. Who's against it?" I asked.

Only Brad put his hand up.

"Ryan. What's your reason I should go?" I asked.

"You need another chance at this man. Trust me." he said. I nodded.

"Jessica, why?" I asked next.

"Same with Ryan. You need a chance at this again. Go for it tiger." she said.

"You owe me for the Jessy thing by the way." she added.

I smiled. It felt almost real. Then I looked around the house and I could see that everything stopped moving. Memories of a beautiful relationship flooded my eyes. Rebecca was everywhere. She was on the couch, I was holding her because she was scared of the movie we were watching. She was against the wall as we sexed it up. She was frying some eggs for our breakfast. She was in her Pajamas as I worked, asking if I could join her in bed because she was scared that the boogieman was real. She was drunk on the floor. She was swimming in the pool. She was fishing with me. She was back.

"Becky?" I called out. They all turned to face me.

"Ty, Ty, TY!" Jessica shook me. I opened my eyes. I was on the couch.

"What the hell happened?" I asked. Almost ungrateful for them taking Becky away from me.

"Dude you fell like a brick." Ryan said.

"What?" I asked. Almost shocked.

"Yeah. Plop." he said, gesturing my falling with his hands.

"Oh. Wow." I said. Looking over my body to see if I had injured myself.

"Um. Guys? I'm not going." I said.



This is an ORIGINAL story by Rudolph Benjamin Maxwell.

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