An Angel's Heart Episode 14

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An Angel's Heart:

Season 2 Episode 4: Denial

At the end of all the retardedness, only a few guys remained standing.

"Clark! Shtalker! Randy! Wilson! Owens! Evans! Johnson! And of course, our possible star of the year, Bridge! Welcome onto the team lads! Your other 7 seniors are in the lockers go say hi to them! The rest of you wimps get outta my field!" coach Reynolds shouted.

"But coach, I've been the quaterback for two years now! You can't put me down on my final year!" Eugene said, glaring at me.

"I never said Bridge was quaterback, so zip your pants up and keep your horses in, he's the backup plan. Now go wash up! Trainings are every Friday 2.30 until I release you! Go now, run along, wouldn't want you to get home late for dinner eh? Hahaha!" the coach joked.

In the locker room,

"Hey Bridge! Don't try anything funny ok? I'm the quaterback here! That's the way it's gonna stay. So either quit, or be my bitch, capichè?" Eugene shouted through the entire locker room while smashing a hole in my steel locker, denting it heavily.

"Owens!" Reyolds shouted.

"Oh! Um coach, what are you doing here? Thought you said you were going home?" Eugene tried to seem polite.

"Stop kissing my ass Eugene, you're on probabtion! I'm putting Bridge as acting quaterback for the term. And don't nobody question my better judgement." the coach stated.

"But coach you can't put a freshman up! He'll screw us up!" Eugene begged.

"Not if he was the star quaterback in high school. Heck no he ain't! I've seen his records, they're incredible. Never lost a single match. Bridge, I have faith in you." the coach said, grinning ear to ear. Eugene left in a huff. I just changed and left. I saw Angel waiting for me outside.

"Hey baby, how was practice?" she asked in a sweet voice.

"All good, I'm now the quaterback on probation. That's a lot to take in." I said.

"True, how did that happen? And what about Eugene?"

"Eugene nearly punched me and I became quaterback because of that."

"Wow, baby I'm so proud of you!" she shouted and put her hands around me after giving me a really sloppy kiss.

We ate dinner outside as usual. But there was something about Angel tonight. Something was wrong.

"Hey, babe, is there something wrong?" I asked softly.

"Um, no. It's just that I'm tired, ya know? Maybe we should just go back home." she said. I didn't bother saying anything back as I knew she was actually tired.

When we got back, she took a bath and just lay on the bed to sleep. I didn't even say a word to her. Feeling rather moody myself for having made Eugene angrier at me again, I lay on the bed and closed my eyes. 15 people in the football team, 12 are on Eugene's side, one is Eugene, one is a nerd, the last guy is me. 13 guys against me. Practice is going to be a bitch.



This is an ORIGINAL story by Rudolph Benjamin Maxwell.

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