EP -4

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Here reading this ep please hear this song ☝️

THE REVENGE IS NOT SWEET ___________________________________________________________Y/N BEDROOM

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Y/n is lying on her bed after after the dinner suddenly the morning incident come to her mind she don't know why but she saw him her heart said that i saw him before but i don't know where Y/n : ohh y/n you thinking so much

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Y/n is lying on her bed after after the dinner suddenly the morning incident come to her mind she don't know why but she saw him her heart said that i saw him before but i don't know where
Y/n : ohh y/n you thinking so much ....... Just clean your brain and sleep peacefully fully *and he slowly fall into her sleep *
Tahir is lying on his bed while looking a picture in his hand he is drinking also his wine
Tahir : why did you leave me jiya ?? You look that I'm become rich I'm the no1 business tycoon in our country I'm a billionaire, the mafia leader i take all position I'm a happiest person in all eyes but not I'm the worst person beacuse I'm alone in my world but you don't worry your tahir will give all punishment to everyone that snatch you from me
He hugged that photo on his chest and fall asleep
But he don't that someone is watching him it's his mom he come to his room and take that photo from his hand and make him lay proper and cover with duet she sit besides on his body and caress her hair softly and said
Mrs rajput : god will sent you an angel to your life she will give you love care and happiness in her love you started to forgot jiya * she kissed his forehead and off the light then go from there

 Just clean your brain and sleep peacefully fully *and he slowly fall into her sleep *ON THE OTHER SIDETahir is lying on his bed while looking a picture in his hand he is drinking also his wine Tahir : why did you leave me jiya ?? You look that I'...

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Now I'm sitting in my cabin looking some important file then i heard a knock i said come in then i saw that person i can't express my happiness he is one of other my best friend yuvraj i get up from the chair and hugged him
Tahir : bro ..... Why did you told me that you come ?
Yuvraj : don't you like my surprise * 😢*
Tahir : it's not like that i like anything tell how is your journey ?
Yuvraj : it's good and I'm tierd now whatever tell how are you ?
Tahir : I'm fine now
Yuvraj : i know tahir you are not fine so don't lie to me
Tahir : yes you are right bro I'm not fine if i want to bee fine i want to see that Naveen tears
Yuvraj : tahir are you sure that he is the one who killed her do you have any proof
Tahir : bro so you also misunderstanding me i saw him pull that knife from her
Yuvraj : to tahir I'm just ask you that I trust you
Suddenly tahir bodyguard come to his office with a file and tahir look at him in smirk
Guard : here sir the information about Roy family
Tahir take that file in his hand and sit on the chair and started to read he read all but his eyes wide that he saw her name
Tahir : Y/N !!!!
Yuvraj : y/n !! Who is her ?
Tahir : but bro according the family details Roy family had only one daughter and that is Riya but how it's y/n ?
Guard : sir y/n ma'am is in Roy family they didn't revile her details to any information that why most of them don't  know her 
Yuvraj : but for what ?? For what they do that ??
Tahir : beacuse of me ?? They know me that why they hide her from this all details  but i catch her
Yuvraj : tahir what are you saying ? Tell me clearly ?
Tahir : bro now she will pay what they did to me i know Naveen Roy you like your sister very much so i will take her from you and play her towards you * smirk *

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