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__________________________________________________________2 HOURS PASSED The darkness was fading

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The darkness was fading. The birds started chirping. The pleasant fragrance of nature was filled in the air but Jungkook's world was crashing. Y/n's contractions didn't stop. She was trying to endure everything but fate was not on her side. Her every tear that fall from her eyes, felt like a dagger in tahir's heart.
His heart was clenching that he couldn't keep his family safe. He was with her all the time. He wished to take her pain. The lady woke up and saw y/n in pain. Before she could speak few men broke into the cottage. Tahir pointed his gun at them but one of them immediately grabbed y/n and pointed his gun at her.
Man: You better throw that gun or your beautiful wife will be laying dead here. *Tahir started lowering his gun*
Y/n: tahir ji  don't. Tahir no.
Tahir wanted to do something but couldn't. He knows, he has to pay a huge amount for his one wrong move. They dragged y/n ignoring that she is full term pregnant.

Y/n continuously trying to free herself

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Y/n continuously trying to free herself. 
?? : Tahir , I must say your wife is really beautiful. I really like her but I don't like that *pointing at her bump* Should I shoot her for that?
Y/n : ****, leave my hand and I'll show you, ****
She spoke before tahir. The man went to her and held her jaw really tight..
Tahir : jack , leave her. She has nothing to do with anything. Play man to man don't drag her
He spoke shouting, clenching his jaw. A man hit his rifle in his stomach. He groaned in pain and was now on his knees now.
Y/n: tahir  *shouted trying to free herself* Don't you dare to do something to him, you son of a ****.
*Jack  laughing like a psycho.*
Jack : Oh look. The mafia King's wife ordered, to leave her husband *spoke sarcastically, coming in front of her* Miss this is not your house. Everything is under my control right now and it always will be. Y/n spat on his face and spoke.
Y/n: In your dreams, you ****. * He slapped y/n hard causing her to fall on the ground.*
Tahir : Y/n *screamed* Hardy leave her. I swear you will pay for this. Ignoring tahir . Jack held y/n's hair and made her stand up. She was groaning in pain.
Jack : I must say tahir. Your wife is impressive to be this daring. He slapped her again. Y/n fall again but this time on her stomach.
Tahir : Y/n, Y/n. Are you okay my love? Answer me. Don't scare me like that. * It was so much for her but she managed to sit up and nodded to him.*
Jack : Take this and slit her throat. How satisfying it would be to kill her in front of his eyes.
Tahir : Don't you dare. Stay away from her. Stay away.
Y/n: No, no, no. Tahir no. Don't listen to him.... Ahhhhh. *she screams* tahir look, baby don't approve of that either. Tahir for God's sake.
Tahir picked the knife. He looked at y/n who is continuously shaking her head in a no.
Y/n: tahir no *crying*
Tahir : I love you and our baby equally. I love you both more than myself.
Y/n: I love you too. But please don't. *crying harder*
Tahir : You're my everything y/n* he put the knife on his throat*
Y/n: tahir  no. No, tahir. *crying* leave me *tried to free herself*
Tahir closed his eyes. Everything was fading to him. Every sound. Every picture. All he could here is his heart telling him to save y/n at any cost. He was about to slit his throat but stopped hearing a gun shot.
He saw the guy who was holding y/n was covered in blood. He looked on the other side and his lips curled up. A tall man wearing all white jumped out of the chopper.
?? : Yaaa, tahir , I'm not Jatin at the moment right
Tahir - Maneesh bahi ( suga )
Everyone was zoned out. Tahir avail the chance and stabbed the men on his left and right, on their thigh. He stood up like a lion.
Harsh( hobi ): Jungkookie... Are you alright my bro *Spoke shooting with his gun*
Jay : Hey bro. * Using hi small but sharp knife, stabbing up and down on Hardy's men.*
Nishant ( rm ) chewing on his chewing gum, rolling his AK-47, changing the magazine continuously.*
Maneesh (Suga): How dare you *using his sword in Daechwita mode* think that you can *again sword harm him.
Nishant ( rm ) : Everyone thinks of them, Mafia King nowadays. Let them know who the real king is. Tahir  * He handed his pistol to tahir .*
Tahir took his threatening steps towards him. By now his all men were turned into mascare. Jack tried to escape but all the hyungs blocked his way one by one. He turned around to escape but there was tahir standing in front of him. He was shivering in fear.
Jack : tahir , please leave me. I won't do that again. *Tahir's eyes shot blood red. He held his neck lifting him the ground.up, threw on
Tahir : You touched my y/n. You slapped my y/n. Forgiveness is deleted from this program. * He shot him right on his head. He shot him multiple times letting out his anger.*
He stopped when he heard y/n calling his name. His anger vanished on her call. His eyes turned soft. His brother's were amazed to witness a new tahir
Tahir : Y/n. * He immediately moved towards y/n. She was laying on the ground crying out of pain *
Tahir : Y/n. * He made her sit and held her.*
Tahir : Hold on a little more my love.
Y/n: It hurts. * She spoke crying.*
He picked up her bridal style carefully and take her to the small cottage .........

I'm really sorry for short ep but next time i will write Little bit long .
Anyway please comment your suggestion about my story and thank you for your vote and support 🤗
Bye bye ........
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