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Tahir shift y/n to downstairs room beacuse it's too hard to climb stairs with her baby bum AT 1: 30 AM

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Tahir shift y/n to downstairs room beacuse it's too hard to climb stairs with her baby bum
AT 1: 30 AM

Tahir : are you alright ? ..let me call the doctor..

Y/n: No Tahir jii ..i am fine...but i feel so tired

Tahir ; ok sleep..but tomorrow we are going for checkup thats final...

Y/n : but .....

Tahir : No buts...sleep now..he said cover you with blanket...and pecked your forehead Then went to make a call

Tahir : Helo mom..

Mrs Sharma : Yeah..tahir ..what happen..any problem you calling me in this time

Tahir : Fine..but little scared..y/n is not well..she continuously vomiting..

Mrs singaniya : calm down son........nothing it's normal tahir it's just pregnant sickness...there is nothing to worry..

Tahir : mom but ....

Mrs singaniya: nothing tahir it's normal
( So readers mrs singaniya and other family members are not in home they are go to landon to attent an event tahir also want to go but in this y/n conditions he can't go ) * back to story *

Tahir ; ok mom..tomorrow i will take her for monthly check up..and also doctor said starting from this month she gonna do ultra sound

T/m aww...Tae it's already 5 month..i cant believe this...i think you will know the gender this month. Tahir ; yeah mom..i'll call you after the check up....bye mom He said and end the call and He lay down next to you
She looking so tired... but her morning sickness always bothering me so much. And her baby bump is so big it's make me so scerard .because it's not like other women..it's really weird..i think i need to go to doctor tommorow........

They both are waiting for the checkup report

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They both are waiting for the checkup report...tahir holding your hand

Tahir : doctor what happen..how's our baby?

Doctor : relax Mr.siganiya ..i have so many things to tell you both...but it includes good and bad news....you have to be relax and listen carefully... Tahir hold your hand more tightly..you know he is nervous so you also tightened your grip...

Doctor Mr. Singaniya first good news..there is not one baby...they are triplets.... That's why her baby bump so much big You tahir look at each other with smile and shock....tahir eyes got teary but he managed...

Doctor : the second thing was all three was boys.. You both are very happy

Tahir : what is the bad news doctor? (Asking in slow voice)

Doctor: Mr.siganiya giving birth to triplets are not easy...it's really dangerous to mother and babies...because the mother needs more strength..she needs to be more healthy...maybe her heart rate will become a problem, blood pressure, weight loss it can be anything....

Tahir : doctor...but.. Doctor relax Mr.tahir ...if you took care of her well and of she is healthy then no problem foe the mother...

Tahir : sure doctor..i'll take care of her.........

Doctor ; good...but thats not easy..but if you did then i can say she is safe...but not the babies because high risk of babies birth..there is a high chance of dangerous for one baby...but dont loss hope..Take care of Mr.tahir...and i'll give list for Mrs.kim's food plan....

Y/n: doctor nothing will happen to my babies right (teary eyes)

Doctor: Mrs.siganiya please dont stress your self..everything will be alright... You both were happy and sad at the same time you left from hospital after taking the reports... Now you both cuddling in bed.... You head was placed on his chest he was leaning against head board...

Tahir : Are you scared?You hummed...

Tahir : you dont need to princess..our babies will be fine...i want you to forget what doctor said..and lets hope for the best..we cant make your health if we worry like this..

Y/n : you are right Tahir jii ...i also thinking the same...lets think positive...and please dont tell this things to our family..they will get worry...just tell them gender and triplets...

Tahir : you right..ok now sleep...you looking so tired....my babies also must be tired...

Y/n: we want cuddle..(pouting)

Tahir : (smiled) ofcourse..come He spread his arms for you...

Now your 7 month pregnant..taehyung taking good care of you...your belly is very big conparing to other pregnant woman at 7 month...starting from 6th month you faced lots of difficuties...like you cant sit sleep walk anything..whatever you do you feel uncomfortable...and your nausea were gone...but No matter how he takes care of you, your health is still not good...you will easily get tired But No matter how much you suffer, your mischievousness has not diminished one bit..you always make troubles for tahir ..and make him angry a lot...but he wont easily show his anger because ne know his three devils making their mom like this...sometimes he feel terrified because if he cant even handle his wife then how he gonna handle four of them..they definitely naughty like their mom

Tahir : baby I'm home...* He said but he didn't here any sound...he went to kitchen saw two maids working..

Tahir : where is she?* Maid she is in her room sir*

Tahir : Did she eat dinner? Maid no sir..she ate lunch and went to room after that she never came out

Tahir : ok i'll take care...and prepare fast..i'll bring her They nodded and he went to room.

i'll bring her They nodded and he went to room

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He saw you were sleeping peacfully...it's rare to see now a days because you always walk around because babies move alot you feel uneasy so it's rare to see you in deep sleep...he came closer and pecked your head..but something caught his attention...4 box of icecream with diffrent flavour...his eyes widen...and he gritted his teeth and clenched his fist....he really wanna scold you hard...but he dont wanna diaturb your sleep

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