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___________________________________________________________AFTER SOME MONTHS Y/N POV Bubbling with happiness, you hummed as you strode through the corridors in search of your husband to give him a giant surprise

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Bubbling with happiness, you hummed as you strode through the corridors in search of your husband to give him a giant surprise. And the surprise is..... That you're pregnant.
There's no end of your happiness. Finally you could give Tahir what he was longing from a very long time.
Y/n: Your Dad will be so happy to have you, baby. We both have been waiting for this moment. You said to your baby while keeping your hand on your stomach as you fastened your step since you couldn't able to handle your excitement.
You come to down stairs while happy and mrs Rajput said to her
Mrs rajput : what happened y/n you are so happy today ? What's the matter ? * She look at her and said *
Y/n : mom you are going to be a grandma * she said that mrs rajput look at her in happy and hugged her then said *
Mrs rajput : I'm so happy y/n i can't know how to express this feeling ? I want to said this to everyone one I'm going to be grandma * she hugged her tightly then other members also come to living room hearing their sounds they all starts to congratulate her
Mishi : congratulations y/n I'm so happy
Y/n : thank you dii
Mrs rajput : y/n did you said this news to tahir ? He will happy today ? * Y/n look at her and said *
Y/n : yes mom I'm going to his office and said * she said and go from there *

You come to down stairs while happy and mrs Rajput said to her Mrs rajput : what happened y/n you are so happy today ? What's the matter ? * She look at her and said * Y/n : mom you are going to be a grandma * she said that mrs rajput look at her ...

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Y/n : Get ready, Tahir . Your surprise is here. You said as you stopped in front of his cabin. Your heart was beating really fast. Why am I so nervous? Goshh.... You took some breath as it was the first time you're gonna tell him and you're hella nervous. I should practice how I wanna tell him. You said as you cleared your throat.
Listen, honey......I am going to be the mother of your child. You said but laughed at your stupid actions.
This is a biggest day of our life, Tahir . And a beautiful moment when you'll know about your child. I am so happy, Tahir . I am so happy. Saying that you opened the gate gently with a big smile on your face

 Saying that you opened the gate gently with a big smile on your face

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You looked through the room and saw something unexpected. You saw Tahir ...... Kissing someone
Soon that big smile dropped from your face as your feet stopped. They didn't dare to go to Tahir and ask what was happening. You were too stunned to even move as you felt your world breaking down in uncountable pieces. His back was facing you but it was clear that the male was Tahir since you can recognize him even by his breath.You couldn't see that scene happening in front of you as you immediately moved to the other side not wanting him to know that you're here.You shoved yourself against the wall as you covered your mouth with your hands and cried silently.Then you kept your hand on your belly worrying about your child what if Tahir wants to divorce you.
Y/n: No.....I won't let anything happen to my baby.... Never. You said as you wiped your tears and made your way towards your home.

You come to the home and Sit on the couch, in a living room with a sad heart where there was only a dim of light helping you to stare at the wall in front of you

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You come to the home and Sit on the couch, in a living room with a sad heart where there was only a dim of light helping you to stare at the wall in front of you.
Then i heard mrs rajput voice she come towards me and said
Mrs rajput : did you said the news to tahir ? What did he said ? * She look at her with a pain ful smile and said *
Y/n : no mom i can't said that to him he is in meeting so i think to said that later * i said that the she said to me go and sleep *
Y/n : no mom i will sleep later you go and sleep he will come soon * i said that she kiss my forehead and go from there *
Soon a fresh tear slipped down your eyes when you remembered that incident happened some hours ago.
Your husband..... whom you loved with all of your heart, to whom you gave everything and made him your everything just shattered your hopes and world in just a blink of an eye.
Y/n : i forgot that you didn't love me you only marriage me to complete your revange i forgot that but i fall in your trap and love you .......... But maybe I'm thinking too much..... I should confront Tahirand ask him why did he do that or it was planned by someone to destroy your relationship. I should talk to Tahir about this before you reach to a conclusion. But as always..... Your emotions took control over you and I you started imagine negative things.
You were in your deep thoughts when you heard door clicking sound. You looked at the door with a frowned and saw Tahir walking in.
Tahir smiled gently at you as soon as his eyes landed on your pleasantly beautiful figure which always makes his day and calms his heart down.
He approached you and said.
Tahir : Aww....My Sweetheart is awake for me? I am moved. He said smiling widely as he opened his arms to hug you but as he was about to hug you, you took his office bag from him indirectly rejecting his hug making him shock.
Tahir : Y/n? What--- He couldn't able to finish his words as you stopped him while saying.
Y/n: Tahir jii , it's already late. Come and have dinner. You said avoiding eye contact with him as you feared he might see what was happening in your heart since he can read your mind by your face. Nothing hides from him if it's about you.
Tahir : I will have dinner but--- Again you cut him off as you turned around and went into the kitchen.
Tahir : Why she is behaving so strange suddenly? Taehyung asked himself in confusion since you never rejected his hugs or kisses in fact you crave for them. Serving the food while your brain keep on bringing those scenes of your husband kissing some whore and in the meantime, he came down after taking a shower.
Tahir : What have you prepared for dinner, Y/n? You know I am starving. He said as excitement of tasting the delicious food made by you keep on raising in him with each second. He looked at the plate as he smelled the food while sitting on a chair.
Tahit : Hmm.... Your food means heaven.... He said chuckling while you just stared at him. he then took a spoon full of food while saying.
Tahit : Come and eat with me, Y/n. He said as he knows you both eats together. No matter what.... You don't eat without him even he comes back home at midnight or even next morning. But your next sentence made him stunned.
Y/n: I had my dinner. You have it. You said stopping him right when he was about to take a first bite of his dinner.

I don't know how is this ep i hope you like it
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