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___________________________________________________________AFTER 4MONTHS LATER Mrs singaniya and all are out of country at that day after y/n delivery they come and saw their grandchild and go to landon beacuse mishi dii is 8 month pregnant so mom...

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Mrs singaniya and all are out of country at that day after y/n delivery they come and saw their grandchild and go to landon beacuse mishi dii is 8 month pregnant so mom also go and now y/n is totally fine so tahir said them to go and take her bhabhi

___________________________________________________________AFTER 4MONTHS LATER Mrs singaniya and all are out of country at that day after y/n delivery they come and saw their grandchild and go to landon beacuse mishi dii is 8 month pregnant so mom...

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He come back from his office after a lot of work. He throw his coat on the sofa and start using his phone. Suddenly his eyes went toward you. He saw you in kitchen preparing for dinner
Tahir : What are you preparing !!
Y/n: Nothing special, just daily food
Taehyung: *smile* I even love daily food if those are made from your hand *you smile*
At that moment you both hear your baby crying
Tahir : OMG!! Why he starts crying all sudden *looks at you*
Y/n: Maybe she is... *look toward clock* yaa, she is hungry *look at tahir*
Tahir : Umm.. what!!
Y/n: *smile* Nothing I am just saying that your food is ready. So go, freshen up and eat.
Tahir : Okay.... *You move toward your daughter's room* Tahir went to washroom and after becoming fresh he takes that food plate which you prepared for him
He noticed that there is a pin drop silence in his babies 's room
Tahir : Does they both sleep already. He went to your baby's room with holding his food plate in hand. He open the door and see you lie on the bed and breatfedding your baby
He come inside and sit on your baby's side and continuously looking at you You raise your eyebrow as you asking
Y/n : "what happens"
Tahir : Nothing I just want to enjoy the meal with my son .
Y/n: Okay so enjoy your meal there and don't dare to disturb her *devil stare*
Tahir place his plate on side table and come close to you by crawling like a baby
Tahir: I'm talking to share her meal with me *look at you*
Y/n: W..what!! *Baby look at tae* Taehyung start talking with his son Baby as you know sharing is caring, right!! So tell your mom that you want to share your meal. *Baby smiles and start playing with his hand*
Y/n: This is not your meal, hubby..
Tahit : Sishh.. i am talking with my son and.. she gave me permission to share her meal. So, another side is mine. *He come close to you* *You pushs him back*
Y/n: Aishh..you have your meal already then why you are interfering in my baby's meal *smirk* Tahir : I thought that whole family will have their
meal together
Y/n: Seriously, so where is mine.
Taehyung: your meal is already sit on the bed and waiting to get enjoyed *smirk*
Y/n: *Smile* Aishh.. this man!! * And he was about to come more closer to her another two babies start to cry that make tahir mood spoil and he take his two babies and come towards y/n and lay on the bed he started to make them fall sleep after sometime later y/n saw his husband also sleeping with her babies she smile and cover them with a duet then go to kitchen ............
They have 3 sons. Triplets who are seven years old. Their names are taewin , taeyon , taejith .
Taewin Is the bravest among the three of them, Just like his father. Taeyon, He is the smartest and most enthusiastic one and Taejith , Is the most chaotic and sassy one. Taewin is like his father, Taeyon is like his mom, and Taejith, is the mix of both parents
Today is Y/N and tahir's wedding anniversary.

I was walking my way to the kitchen when I saw something that made my heart drop. It was Taewin playing with his dad's gun. I quickly ran to him and take the gun out of his hands
Y/N: How many times do I have to tell you? Don't play with dangerous things! (I said to him, then my son taeyon walked in the living room)
Taeyon : That gun is made to play with, mom
Taewin : Aish mom just give it back, It's just a toy Y/N: What do you me- Oh. (I looked at the gun and saw that it was made of plastic) That looks so realistic
Taewin : yeah, Dad gave this to me.. He sent his Men to give this to me
Taejith : Only you? Where's ours? (He sat on the couch)
Taewin : Oh the other toys are in our room.. haven't you checked?
Taeyon : Obviously he did not. We didn't even know
Y/N: Aish, this is enough, I'm sure your dad sent you more than enough gifts...
Taeyon : But mom isn't it your Anniversary today?
Taewin: Yeah.. Dad didn't sent you any gifts?
Y/N: That's fine. The only gift I want from him is that he comes home safe and sound
Taeyon : I'm very sure he's gonna give you something
Y/N: hmm~ Anyways, Have you already eaten breakfast?
Taewin : I already did.. I don't know about these two (He looked at his brothers)
Taejith: I still haven't..
Taeyon : Indeed, I myself also feel Lavished
Y/N: let's just go and eat breakfast. what do you boys want?
Taejith : rice with chicken.. with chicken
Taewin : I want chapti and vegitable stue
Taeyon : I'll take whatever is available
Y/N: Okay. Wait here and I'll go and cook for us. (I went to the kitchen as taeyon went back to reading his book while tawin and Taejith is asking him to play with them)
(Tahir is not with y/n and his kids he is now in our of country beacuse of some meeting and mafia works ) * back to story*
We eat our brakefast peacefully and they go to their room and I'm sitting in the living room suddenly i got a call i saw the caller id it's make me smile
Y/n : tahir jii ?
Tahir : hey y/niee , Happy Anniversary
Y/N: Happy Anniversary love, I miss you
Tahir : Don't worry I'm on my way home
Y/N: I thought you're coming home next week? J
Tahir : Yeah, I finished my contract here in Australia so yeah, I can come home
Y/N: Wait, Did you overwork yourself?
Tahir : Nope, I finished all my work with the help of my Assistant.. We're already in India
Y/N: Oh good. Okay I'll be waiting for you, Take care okay? I love you

Bye bye

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