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Read this ep please hear this song ☝️


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Tahir : For you, I will do everything. I swear. He said. Your tears fell down listening to his heartwarming words.

Y/n: Oh Tahir....I love you so much. You said as you hugged him. He smiled and hugged you back.I was really scared, Taehyung. I thought I lost you. You said crying on his shoulder

Tahir : Hyee.... You can never loss me, Y/n. I am with you always. He said rubbing your back gently. *You then broke the hug and said.*

Y/n: Tahir jii .... Why didn't you tell me about this incident earlier? I wouldn't have misunderstood and this problem wouldn't be there. You said.

Tahir : Well I didn't want to make you worried. I know you can't bear to see me with someone else. I thought you would be upset if you finds out that someone is trying to take me away from you. Just because of that I didn't tell you. He said.

Y/n: Hoo... You think I am overprotective? You asked as he nodded.Okay fine. To keep you with me always, I am ready to put this blame on me. You said as he smiled and spoke.

Tahir : Don't worry, Baby. I am not going anywhere. I am gonna stay with you always. He said.

Y/n: Promise? You asked as he nodded.

Tahir : I promise, Y/n. He said. I couldn't able to meet my baby properly. Let me meet my baby now. He said as he broke the hug and looked into your beautiful eyes with his loving eyes. *You gave him a small nod with a smile as he kissed your forehead.* Tahir then sat on a nearby chair as he grabbed your waist and
pulled you closer to him. He move your saree to side with his hand making you smile. Then he glanced at you and saw you smiling at his actions.
He pulled himself closer to your stomach as he placed his lips on it kissing it with love as he said to his child.

Tahir : Hyee baby. It's me. Your dada . Can you hear me? He asked. You started caressing his hair with a smile seeing his love towards his baby. I love you, my child. I just love you. I can't wait to hold you in my arms. Please take care of yourself until you're in your mamma's belly after that your Dada will take care of you and please don't trouble my Y/n so much. Be a good baby. He said making you chuckle. I love you, baby. He said softly as he kissed your stomach multiple times making you laugh.

Y/n: Tahir ji  stop it!! It tickles. You said laughing a little.

Tahir : So what? I am kissing my baby. Don't disturb baby and papa. Tahir said as he again kissed your belly as you laughed in response. Your giggles worked like a music to his ears as he looked at you and smiled.* He stood up and spoke.* Just smile like this always. Don't ever cry because of me. Hmm? You spoke as he kissed your forehead.

Y/n: Hmm. You hummed softly.*Tahir pulled away as he looked into your eyes deeply.*You both stared at each other's eyes with love. Soon Tahir's eyes landed on your lips as he felt an urge of kissing them.He cupped your face as he leaned forward and slowly placed his lips on yours kissing it gently.You closed your eyes as you responded the kiss while wrapping your arms around his neck He put slight pressure on your lips to make the kiss passionate as your heart skip a beat as how again his kiss showered you with his unconditional love.

Y/n: I love you, Tahir jii. You said in between the kiss as you deepened the kiss wanting him more and more.

Tahir : I love you thousands time more, Sweetheart. He said as his hand trailed down to your waist as he hugged you tightly while kissing your lips a little roughly.* You both heard the rain pouring sound that was working as a for your desires. fire
Suddenly a thunder strike making you immediately hugged on tahir and grabbed his shirt in fear

Y/n: Oh god.... What happened to the weather suddenly? You asked hugging him tightly as your heart started beating fast.

Tahir : The weather itself wants you to stay in my arms I guess. It wants us to make this night special. He said husikly as he pressed his head on your neck inhaling your scent racing your heart beat.

Tahir : The rain is here to witness our love, Y/n. Our day was very special today. Let's make the night special as well. He said looking into your eyes asking to make love with you as you looked down shyly and nodded.

Tahir : Today is the most important day for us. We got to know about our baby today. The weather wants to celebrate this moment with us, Y/n. He said as you smiled.

Y/n: Sure, Tahir . Even I wanted this special night to a lot special. You said as he smiled.* Taehyung bend down as he lift you up in his arms and started to walk towards the bed.* You were staring at him softly as he approached the bed and gently placed you on it. He hovered above you carefully as he looked deeply into your eyes.You cupped his cheek as your heart warmed up seeing his eyes showing his love towards you. He leaned forward as he kissed your forehead with love making you smile.

Tahir : I love you, Y/n. He said as you smiled.

Y/n: How many times are you gonna confess? You asked.

Tahir : As much as I can. Any problem? He asked as you shook your head smiling.

Y/n: No..... And I love you too. You said.

Tahir: Let's not waste our precious moment. Let me feel you. He said as you nodded gently giving him the permission to take control. He then started kissing your neck making you close your eyes as you started caressing his back enjoying his love. Hence, he made this night really beautiful for the both of you........

Guys i know you are brilliant at imagination beacuse i don't have a mood to write so imagine your won risk 😜
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