EP -7

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Here reading this ep please hear this song ☝️

Here reading this ep please hear this song ☝️

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I look at the asile and saw him pointing gun towards Neil my eyes wide he walking like a king through the asile towards me but my brother take his gun out and point towards him and said to my mom
Naveen : maa take y/n with you and all go from here i will handle him
Mrs Roy : but son-......
Naveen : i said goo * she noded and grabbed y/n hand dragged to with her
But we heard a voice that make all are stood their place
?? : No one will go from here it's my order
Naveen : why you come here ? What do you want from me TAHIR ???
Tahir : ahhh low your voice i can hear you and what you said ? Ah what i want from you ?;yahh i want to see you in tears
He said and signal his guard to tie his family then Naveen pointed his gun towards tahir and said
Naveen ; don't touch my family ? They don't know anything you leave them or i will shoot you
Tahir : *laughing * really they don't know ? Then this game will more intresting
Suddenly Naveen shoot tahir's one guard that makes tahir angry and said
Tahir : it's wrong move do you know what do you did ? * He said this and grabbed Riya hand and point gun into her head that make all gasp Riya closed her eyes tightly in fear and started to cry that makes Naveen heart ache
Naveen : no ..... Listen tahir leave her she don't know anything don't do anything to my family
Tahir : but you are the who make me this ? Look your wrong steps make your all family Trouble
Naveen : please tahir don't do anything look your revenge for me then why you include my family to this
Tahir : yahh you are correct but i don't want to kill you fast it's not give you pain i want to see your pain if i touch your family you will pain so why i Target them
Naveen : please tahir leave her
Tahir : ok i will leave her but i want y/n * he said that y/n eyes wide and her parents also scared Naveen look at him and said
Naveen : WHAT ?? never i will never give her to you she don't know anything i can't
Tahir : ok then i will give my way to punishment you * he said and trigger his gun on Riya head and he was about to press they heard a screem *
They look and saw y/n sit on the floor while crying hard
Y/n : please noo i begged to you please don't kill her i-i will m-marry you
Naveen and his parents were shocked to hear y/n words and he said
Naveen : y/n are you out of mind ? What are you saying ?
Y/n : I'm said the truth i will marry him to save my family
Naveen : no no you can't save beacuse of he marry you he torcher you . No y/n i will never give you to this devil
Tahir : ENOUGH IS ENOUGH i don't have time to hear your shity talks if you are not then tell me i will kill her
Y/n : noo you can marry me i only want my family to save please don't do anything
He released Riya from his gun and walk towards y/n that time tahir guards tie Naveen hand y/n look down in fear her tears are falling down she is now helpless infront of him *Then Naveen talk to him *
Naveen : if you are a man play with man not to girls * he said angry*
But this sentance make tahir super angry he signal to his guard to hit Naveen they punch him that make y/n grabbed tahir leg and begged to him to let him go
Y/n : please don't hit him please i agreed you to marry then why you hit him * tahir signal his guards to stop hitting and he grabbed y/n arm and make her stand up he dragged her to the mandap and make her sit on the chair he said to pandit ji to start the ritual he starts the mantras and he take the mangalsutra on tahir hand and said to tie her neck he take that and tie on her neck she didn't said anything sit like a doll who only obey her master

 No y/n i will never give you to this devil Tahir : ENOUGH IS ENOUGH i don't have time to hear your shity talks if you are not then tell me i will kill her Y/n : noo you can marry me i only want my family to save please don't do anything He releas...

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Then he agin starts mantras after sometime later he said to put sindoor on my headline

I closed my eyes a couple of tears fall from my eyes then i heard that Panditji said Pandit ji : now the marriage is complete now you are husband and wife get up from your seat and to your elders to give blessing He grabbed your arm to make you st...

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I closed my eyes a couple of tears fall from my eyes then i heard that Panditji said
Pandit ji : now the marriage is complete now you are husband and wife get up from your seat and to your elders to give blessing
He grabbed your arm to make you stand up and dragged you to your parents and said
Tahir : now we are husband and wife so blessed us * he said to mr Roy * He look at him in anger and said
Mr Roy : this is not a marriage this is drama that you blackmail my daughter and married her
Tahir : yes it's not a marriage anyway she is my wife now and don't think beacuse of that i treat her like a queen * smirk * Y/n hugged her father and said
Y/n : dad don't been scared . I'm your daughter so don't scared about me i will make it alright * his dad hugged her back and kissed her forehead and said
Mr Roy : i know you are strong but I'm scared beacuse I'm a father and don't skip your meals stay safe I'm sorry i can't do anything
Y/n : no dad you don't have to say sorry beacuse maybe it's my fate
He grabbed her hand and said to everyone
Tahir : so all ladies and gentleman she is now my wife not y/n Roy Now she is MRS TAHIR Y/N SING RÀJPUT I'm i correct baby * he whispered to her ear *
He said this and dragged her out of the ashile but he stop when he heard Naveen voice
Naveen : you did a great mistake i will give you a dark nightmare if you touch my sister . You know tahir this is only your attitude but i will tore them from you just remember that * angry *
Then he said tahir turn him and walk towards him with a smirk and grabbed his collar and said
Tahir : You know one thing my bayya LION is not taller than the Girrafe, not heavier than the Hippo, not larger than an Elephant nor poisonous than the Snake.But still when he shows off everyone runs away.. ATTITUDE IS THE DIFFERENCE..
He said this and pulled his hands from his collar and make them neet with his and said
Tahir : and one more now she is my wife i know how to treat her so you don't disappoint about that and * he go towards his ear and said in whisper * i didn't think that you have such a beautiful sister any way i like it and after my revange i will throw her * he smile darkly *
That makes Naveen anger high he grabbed his collar and shout
Tahir pulled naveen hand from his collar and he grabbed y/n hand take her with him y/n turn around to look at her parents last her tears fall down

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