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Y/n: T-Tahir j-ji ? You asked shocked since you don't know how he found out

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Y/n: T-Tahir j-ji ? You asked shocked since you don't know how he found out.

Tahir : What did you think that you can hide this from me, Y/n? If yes then you're so wrong, baby. He said chuckling. *Then he wrapped his hands around your stomach as he hugged your small body in his amrs protectively.*
He closed his eyes as he rubbed his nose on your cheek kissing it along.

Tahir : You know that I love you, right? He asked as you closed your eyes and hummed

Y/n: Hmm. You said as he kissed and sucked your cheek desperately while your heart pounding widely by his touch.

Tahir : You know I can't do anything which can harm you, right? He asked as you nodded while tears started rolling down your cheek. Tahir turned you around and looked at you.

Tahir : Then trust me, princess. I didn't do anything wrong. swear on our baby. He said. And now you had to believe him since he can do anything but can't take false swear of his own child. Can I explain to you what exactly happened, Y/n? Will you believe me? He asked as you gulped the lump forming in your throat and nodded slowly.
Tahir : The girl you saw was jenie and she was.... And then he told you everything that happened in his cabin.
Jenie : Wow....Y/n is coming. The timing is great. I should execute my plan. Lisa thought to herself as she saw you running towards Tahir's cabin sprightly. She looked at Taehyung who was absorbed in his work as him. she approached

Jenie : Sir can you please look at this file. I completed my work. She said as Tahir nodded and took the file from her hand. One thing he noticed that she was intentionally trying to touch his hand but he shrugged it off and started reading the file.She used her hand and made the pen stand fell down on her leg deliberately.

Jenie : Ouch!! Ahhh my leg!! She started her act of fake crying as Tahir worriedly stood up and made his way towards her, doing exactly what she planned. She wanted Tahir to stand up from his seat.

Tahir : Miss jenie are you okay? He asked as he approached her. Meanwhile she saw you opening the door. Out of the blue she stood up on her feet and grabbed Tahir's collar as she kissed him harshly. *Tahir was too stunned to even move. His mind went black since he never imagined he would have to experience something like that.*
Jenie was enjoying the kiss as she felt Tahir also wants her since he didn't push her making her smile as she felt her dream is going to come true of having Tahir however she wants. On the other hand, you were watching them in bewilderment as
tear slipped down your eyes. Soon you left from there feeling betrayed and hurt making jenie smirk as she deepened the kiss even more.
Suddenly Tahir came back in his sense as he pushed her away from him not so harshly since he respects

Tahir : WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING, MISS JENIE ? He shouted on top of his lungs. Jenie was shameless. She again tried to seduce him.
Jenie : Oh Tahir . Stop calling me like that. I am your babygirl. Call me that daddy. She said seductively as she lift Tahir's hand up and placed it on her waist making him yank his hand away from her.

Tahor : Listen here....I am talking really politely to you. I don't want to disrespect you so you better leave and do your work. He said dangerously.

Jenie : That's my work, Darling. She said stepping closer to him as she kept her hand on his shoulder.
Jenie : You don't know, Tahir. I've been waiting for this moment when we can be together for one night. Please..... She pleaded targeting his weakness. She knows Tahir melts when someone pleads to him.

Tahir : I-I can't betray Y/n.....Just don't do this. He tried to step away but she cupped his face and said.

Jenie : I am not asking you to betray her. I am not asking you to break her heart by cheating on her. I am just asking you to be in a physical relationship with me, Tahir . That's it. She said as she pressed her body on his making him numb. Please baby....Make me yours. I am dying for your touch. Kiss me, baby. She said as she pulled Tahir's head on her neck wanting to be kissed. But before Tahir's lips could touch her skin, you were there to save him from this situation.
But Tahir's brain clicked when he remembered that promise he made with you as he got his power and confidence back. He immediately pushed her away and spoke.

Tahir : Enough!!!! I've been tolerating your crazy acts that doesn't mean you can do anything you want. I love Y/n so much and I refused to betray her like that. She is my world and life. I won't do anything wrong with her. Do you understand, Miss slut? He asked making her eyes widened. Get out of here. You're fired. He said as she stared at him with big eyes.

Jenie : T-Tahir....Please don't fire me. She said.

Tahir : Get lost!!! He shouted making her flinch. She understood that Tahir can never betray you ever. *She then turned around and started walking away while thinking deeply.*

Jenie : You love your Y/n so much, don't you? Then I will make sure you loss her, Tahir . I will make you mine very soon. She smirked and left the room *As she left Tahir sat on his seat as he sighed heavily.*

Tahir : This is what exactly happened. You misunderstood the situation, baby. Tahir said cupping your face as he explained you everything.
You were feeling so happy and relieved that your Tahir is only yours. No one has power to snatch him away from you. He is all yours and you're all his. The insecurity you had in you is now vanished since Tahir told you everything that how jenie forced him to kiss.

Y/n: Y-you.... You are still mine, right? You asked as he smiled and nodded.

Tahir : Yes, Y/n. I am all yours. No one can snatch me away from you. Trust me. When I have your love, I can fight with anyone. He said.

Hoe is this ep
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