Attention『 Meguru Bachira 』

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Sorry I haven't updated this shit for like a week took a break cause i have test.

Gender neutral reader!



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"[Nickname of yours]" You heard a voice behind you, not even turning around to look at the person since you already knew who he was, Bachira Meguru, your childhood bestfriend.

He runs cutely at you and hugging you too tight like he was suffocating you, clicking sounds were coming from your nintendo.

"Bachira, you're suffocating me..." You said to him calmly, since he is very cheerful, he didn't let go of you, his arms were on your neck and his legs were on your hips tightly not letting go.

You're one of the top 6, you being 5 on the leader board, but you didn't care either way, you just want to go home, sleep and play online games.

"But you're always on your nintendo! spend time with me, [Nickname of yours]!" He said hugging you and desperately wanting your attention, trying to get your attention to him. 

Surprisingly he wasn't that heavy thankfully, he lets go of you and starts hugging your leg.




"Pleaseee.....!!" Puppy eyes activated on him, that was your weakness.

"Fine, after this game." You said, aggressively pressing the buttons to win the game.

You think being in the team Z is great you think? No, it is not and having to be the same team as your bestfriend? 

It is not great, it's like God is punishing you, Bachira hugging you from behind while you other teamates are discussing about their plan, Kuon holding a paper to write down players powers of whatever the shit they are talking about.

You weren't even listening to them, as you heard Kuon calling your name,

"Y/n-chan what about yours?" He said glaring at bachira, but he didn't notice it.

It's obvious he is planning something, as he taps to whatever he is holding patiently waiting for your answer.

"I don't know..." You said looking up and thinking what was your weakness and your weapon.

You heard your team mates groan, and stares at you. You heard Kuon groans in defeat of not knowing your weapon and weakness of yours in soccer.

Bachira being behind you leans in your neck and rests his head there, while his arms were on your waist.

'if i tell him my weakness and weapon, it will be a bad idea..' You though, as Kuon asked chigiri what's his weapon while chigiri denied telling him.

"Lets sleep now, I'm tired..." You said to Bachira quietly but enough for your teamates to hear as Bachira smiles and hums in respond.

"YOU JUST WOKE UP [YOUR NAME] AND YOU WANT TO SLEEP AGAIN??!!!" You heard jingo yelling at you, but you didn't bothered him as Bachira grabs a blanket to warm you guys up.

Be glad you guys are already sitting on the futon you both shared, as you both lay down comfortly, your heard your teammates complain about how you two are always together and all you guys do is sleep and cuddle.


This is short i know, im just having a bad day today lol

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