Parties and Complications

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Hey! Here’s chapter four! Please leave a comment and vote! The song for the chapter is We Are Young by 3OH!3. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Chapter Four: Parties and Complications


I stare out at the road, but I’m not really paying attention. I’m thinking about Low when she sat in the cab of my truck ten minutes ago. God I wish I wasn’t thinking about the girl who drives me crazy, but I can’t stop. 

When I get home, I manage to push thoughts of Low away. I stalk up to my front door in frustration and try to open the front door, but the lock catches again and won’t open.

Remember to fix the door.

I throw all of my weight against the door and i swings open. I walk in and toss my keys down on the table by the door. Suddenly, something jumps on my back. A pair of arms wrap around my legs and I go crashing to the ground.

“Agh!” Chase yells in my ear. His arms are around my neck as he tries to keep my pinned to the floor. Hunter tries to hold my legs, but he’s not nearly as strong as me, so his efforts are pointless. I shake Hunter off of my legs, unhook Chase’s arms, and tackle both of my brothers to the ground. Since Hunter is thirteen and Chase is nine, overpowering them is not that hard.

“Ha, good tackle, but you guys need to work on the pin.” They both smile at me and I help them up.

“Boys, no rough housing before dinner!” my mom calls from the kitchen. I give both of the boys a noogie before walking over to my mom and kissing her on the cheek.

“Hey Mom.”

“Hey, I thought that you were going to be home earlier tonight?” she glances at me and frowns.

“Sorry.” I don’t elaborate.I try to avoid it, but my mind flashes back to Low as she waved and went into her house. The girl was actually smiling at me for a change and I’ve got to say that it was nice.

“Well, don’t worry about it honey. I left some pasta for you in the fridge.”

“Thanks Mom.”

I heat up the spaghetti, eat it, and do my dishes before going to my room. I open up my ancient laptop that barely functions and load the song that Low put on in the car. I hate to admit it, but the girl is right about the whole lyrics thing. It’s nice to hear the words. I let some music play and end up falling asleep.

I open up my eyes and I am hit by bright light. When my eyes adjust, I open my eyes a little wider and notice where I am. There is nothing around except for tall green grass. Wind makes the grass blow in one direction, creating something that might looks like waves. 

Something moves beside me and I look down to see Low with her arm around my waist. Her blonde hair is shining in the sunlight and the turquoise looks like little strips of water. She smiles up at me and her honey brown eyes disappear as her eyelids flutter close. My focus moves down to her lips that are a light shade of pink and are pressed together in a relaxed smile.

I don’t even try to restrain myself before I lower my head and press my face into her hair. She smells like strawberries. I tighten my arms around her stomach and she sighs in my arms.

“Seth,” she whispers.

“Seth,” my eyes open to look up at my brother who is shaking my arm. His hair is sticking in all different directions and he looks like he is half asleep. “Come on. Mom made breakfast before you have to go to work.” Hunter leaves the room and I just stare at the ceiling in complete shock.

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