Mexican Cornbread and Stupid Jocks

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Hey guys! So here’s the next chapter. Updates for the next week might be a little slow. School is ending and the teachers decided to load me up with a bunch of homework at once. Stupid finals. The song for this chapter is All Hail the Heartbreaker by The Spill Canvas. I totally forgot to post a song for the last chapter! The song for that chapter is White Lines & Red Lights by Between the Trees. Please vote, comment . . . blah blah blah. You know the drill.

Remember, if I get 1,000 reads and 30 likes, I will post the synopsis for my next book! - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - -- - - -  -- - - - - - -  -

Chapter 26: Mexican Cornbread and Stupid Jocks


That night I drove Low home. She fell asleep in the car with her cheek resting against my shoulder. Her amazing vanilla scent was coming off of her and relaxing me.

My head was still hurting, but it definitely felt a lot better after sleeping for the rest of the afternoon. Well . . . sleeping with Low in my arms might of had something to do with it too.

She stayed for dinner that night after a little begging from me. Yes, I begged. So what? I wanted to spend some more time with my gorgeous girlfriend, so sue me. 

My mom was home that night and made Mexican cornbread for us. It was some recipe that she found in a cookbook a couple years ago. My brothers and I died when we tasted it and beg for it all the time now. Once Low tried it, she was as hooked on it as I was.

After dinner I wanted her to stay a little longer, but she said that she had to get home. She wanted to spend time with her dad before he left for work on Sunday. I completely had forgotten that he was leaving so soon, and felt guilty for depriving Low of time with her dad. She assured me that he said it was okay, but I still felt awful.

 When I pull up to her house, I park against the curb and just sit there for a moment. I really don’t want her to leave. Ugh! I really hate this. 

“Low,” I mumble. She murmurs something in her sleep but still doesn’t wake up. “Low,” I say and give her arm a little nudge.  Her eyelids flutter open, allowing me to see the soft honey brown color underneath. She smiles sleepily at me and sinks into my side a little more.


“Hey. We’re at your house.” 

Her eyes leave mine and move to look out the window. She turns lightly so her back is pressed against my side and leans her head back on my shoulder. My eyes run over her sexy ass highlights in her hair. I can’t help myself. I move her slightly so I can wrap my arms around her and bury my face into the curve of her neck. She places her hands on my forearms and rubs them back and forth on my skin. We stay like that for a while, just holding each other. Our breathing matches after a while and I can feel her heart beat along with mine. God, this feels amazing.

“I should go,” she whispers sometime later.

I growl and she chuckles at me. I let her go reluctantly and she gets out of the car. I watch her walk away and am about to leave, but she turns around and runs back to the truck’s side. She motions for me to roll down the window. Low pulls the top half of her body through grabs the back of my neck. My lips move toward hers and we kiss each other shortly, but it is so hot, I swear my body is on fire.

“I’ll see you on Monday,” she whispers. 

“You are incredibly sexy,” I mutter in response, causing her to laugh. Yeah, probably could have come up with a better answer than that. She kisses me lightly one more time, and then, she’s gone.

The whole way home I feel a strange sense of loss. It’s weird, but ever since Low stepped out of the car, I want nothing more to have her back here with me.

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