Honey Facials and a Small Apartment

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HELLO!!!! Okay, here it is! This is the Epilogue for I Hate You . . . I Think. A special thanks to everyone who has stuck with me through my first story. I appreciate it more than you will ever know. The song for this chapter is Arms by Christina Perri. Thank you again and check the end for a little surprise.


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Epilogue: Honey Facials and a Small Apartment

Five Years Later


“Bye Miss Riley!” a little kid named Miles yells. He is in my second grade class this year and is an adorable little boy, but even though he is cute, he causes trouble. He kind of reminds me of Seth in that way. They both have the sweet but sneaky personalities. They both have the sweet but sneaky personalities. 

Last week he was laughing with a kid named Lauren in my class. Then all of the sudden he took the bottle of glue and poured it all over her head. Yeah, forget reminding me of Seth, he is a replica.

I wave goodbye to him as he steps on the bus, heading home for the weekend. Once the yellow vehicle pulls away from the curb in front of the school, I head back into the building to get my stuff before leaving. 

The school that I work at in Seattle is definitely bigger than the school that I went to when I was younger. It took some time getting used to the city life after living in such a small town before. I’m still not completely used to it and miss home every day. I’ve always wanted to move back to Beaumont, but Seth loves it here, so I keep my mouth shut. 

I grab my bag and after a few goodbyes to teachers in the halls, I head down the street to our apartment. We live in a little flat right above a place called Tony’s Pizza. Tony is the father of Emily, my freshman roommate in college. The first time we met, I could tell that we were going to be friends. How could we not be after she put up with Seth sneaking into our room every night? Now she is a good friend to both Seth and me. 

When Seth and I were sophomores, we had been together for two years and wanted to get an apartment together. I mean, we might as well have, we were sleeping in the same bed every night anyway. We didn’t have a ton of money though, so Emily’s dad offered us the flat above his restaurant for a price we could afford. Sure it’s a little cramped and has a strong smell of pepperoni pizza, but really, it does not matter. We have called it home ever since. 

I make my way up the stairs and turn my key in the apartment door. I immediately toe off my heels that I wear to work and put on my chucks that are sitting by the door. I let out a deep sigh at the amazing comfort the shoes provide. It doesn’t matter that I am twenty three, I still love my shoes. 

The apartment consists of one great room that acts as the kitchen and the family room. Most of our furniture is second hand, but I gives it a warm lived in feeling that is comforting. Seth on the other hand does not think the furniture is good enough and tells me to stop my whole hippie ‘everything is good’ view about our situation. That’s usually when I flip him off.


“In the bedroom babe!”

I make my way down the small hallway off of the living room to the one bedroom in the apartment. Seth is sitting with his back against the headboard, a lap top on his lap. He looks up when I come in and lets off a dazzling smile that takes my breath away.

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