City Lights and Interruptions

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You guys are amazing! Thank you so much for helping me reach 100 reads! I am so grateful. I hope that you guys are liking the story so far. The song for this chapter is Oh My Stars by Andrew Belle. Please read, recommend, comment, and vote!   - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Chapter 16: City Lights and Interruptions


I drove Low out to see the lights that my mom used to take my brothers and I to when we were younger. When the idiots at The Hub couldn’t keep their eyes on themselves I wanted to leave. When trying to think of somewhere else to take Low I immediately thought of this place. It’s somewhere that does not have prying eyes all over the place. 

Of course Low thinks the worst of me and is scared to get out of the car. Hey, I’m not going to argue, it is just another excuse to touch her. With her ass in my face for a couple of seconds I am the luckiest bastard on the planet right now.

She follows after me in the forest and when we come to the edge of the trees I move to the side so that she can have the full impact of the view. 

“Holy crap.” Low’s mouth drops open and her eyes widen as she takes in the view of Beaumont’s lights below. I mean, it’s not New York City or anything, but the lights that sprawl across the town are pretty amazing. 

Low walks forward until she is standing right next to me. Her eyes turn away from the view and up to my face.

“What is this place?”

“Somewhere that my mom used to take us to when we were younger,” I say and shrug my shoulders like it is no big deal. The thing is, this is a big deal. I have never brought anyone else up to this spot and I feel like panicking a little bit. It is somewhere that is only shared between my family and I, and now Low. I don’t know if she thinks that this is stupid or not. Low probably thought that I was going to do something amazing for our first date. Instead I take her somewhere lame and make her think that I am going to kill her in the woods. When she doesn’t say anything I know that I made the wrong decision.

“Look, we can go if you want, we don’t have to stay here.”

Low turns to me, her eyebrows scrunched together as she looks at me.

“Why wouldn’t I want to stay here?” she asks and turns back to look at the lights. “It’s beautiful.”

My whole body relaxes at her words. I take the blanket and walk over near the edge of the small hill drop off. I lay it out and put the food down. Low stands to the side, watching me. I walk over to her and stand so that we are less than a foot away. I can smell her vanilla scent as the wind blows her hair toward me. She gives me a shy smile and I can tell that she is a little nervous.

“Are you hungry?” I ask, trying to ease her mind a little.

She nods gratefully. I take her hand and lead her over to the blanket. She sits down and I hand her the box with her food in it. Both of us start eating in silence. She finishes half of her burger and eats a couple of fries before pushing the box away from her.

I am completely focused on my food and don’t notice the way that she is staring at me until I eat my last fry and look up. Her face has a slightly disgusted but awed expression. 


“Has anyone ever compared you to a bear when you eat?” 

“What?” I ask and raise my eyebrow at her.

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