Six Packs and S'mores

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Sorry this chapter is kind of short, but it is one of my favorites. Please vote, read, and comment! The song for this chapter is Tighten Up by The Black Keys. Love that Band! - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

 Chapter 9: Six Packs and S’mores


I want to run to the living room so that I can let Vi know how her plan went, but I force myself to walk slow up the beach and toward the house. She is a complete genius for suggesting to screw with Seth after whatever he did to embarrass her when Tuckett was there this morning. I’m not sure what he did, but the way that Vi and Tuckett were acting around each other, I can tell that it wasn’t good. I can feel Seth’s stare on my back, so I add a little more swing to my hips. Tuckett comes out of the house and walks over to where Seth should be standing. When he passes, he gives me the once over and I have to restrain myself from smacking him in the head. When I get to the back doors, I quickly peek over my shoulder, trying to not look too obvious that I am checking Seth’s face. He is still standing there dumbstruck. I suppress a little giggle and rush into the house.

Vi is bouncing with excitement by the island in the kitchen and laughing hard at the little show that I just put on for Seth. 

“You just kicked my cousin’s ass!” she is cracking up and I can’t help but laugh with her. “He stared at you the whole way that you were walking up here! He is so whipped.” She places her hand on the counter and leans over while clutching her stomach as she tries to get her laughter under control.

When I hear her comment about Seth being whipped, I immediately stop laughing. I don’t want anything to do with Seth. The two of us in a relationship would lead to nothing but disaster. But then my mind shifts to his mint green eyes and the way that his messy hair always looks. Ugh! I push those two thoughts away from my mind and focus on the person across from me that is laughing at her cousin’s expense.

This is why she is my best friend. She is and will always be on my side.

“So what was going on with you and Tuckett this morning?” I asked.

She immediately stops laughing, her cheeks flushing slightly. Her eyes avoid mine and she nervously starts winding her fingers in the edges of her cover up. 

“Nothing, why would you ask that?” she asks quietly.

“Well, maybe it’s because when I asked you that question, you looked away and will not look me in the eyes.” 

She ignores me. I am going to press for more information but she bolts around the counter and runs outside. I after her but end up smacking into her back. 

“Ow, Vi, what the hell-” I peek around her shoulder and understand why she is still as ice.

Our mouths both drop open in shock and I swear that I started hyperventilating a little bit. Tuckett and Seth are both coming out of the waves, shirtless and glistening with water. My eyes stick to Seth as he comes walking, no, more like gliding up the beach. He has a six pack with muscles that make my mouth water. I can only see the tips of his tattoo from over his shoulder and around his bicep, but that is enough for all of the air to come rushing out of my lungs. He shakes out his hair and it hangs around his face and in his eyes in it’s usual messy look. 

He walks up the sand until he is less than a foot away from me.

“Distracted Low?” he asks, his voice deep and barely audible to anyone except for me. I swallow thickly and try to breathe through my nose. That doesn’t do any good though because I get a whiff of his minty smell that is now combined with salt water. If anything, he smells more amazing than normal. His eyes are shining and by the amused look in them, I know that he is playing with me. Too bad for him that I am extremely competitive and I always win.

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