Peas and Betsy's Return

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Hey everybody! So I am completely horrified by how long it has taken me to get this chapter up. I apologize to everyone who is reading this.

You guys are amazing! I am so excited that you got me to 1,000 reads. I really appreciate it! If you guys remember my challenge, my story needs four more votes before I post the synopsis for my next book. Please read, comment, vote, and recommend! Thanks! 

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Chapter 32:Peas and Betsy's Return

The second we step in the house, Seth practically sprints to his room. I move to follow him, but stop myself. He probably needs a couple of minutes to himself. 

My eyes shift over to Krista who is sobbing on the couch, I move over and sit beside her, taking her in my arms. Suddenly a loud thud comes from the hallway followed by several more sounds. Somehow I know that the noises are from Seth, but I also know that he is not ready to see my yet. Krista starts sobbing even harder. 

My eyes flick over to Arty who comes out of the kitchen with a glass of water in his hand. He quickly walks over to the couch and takes Krista into his arms. He mouths a ‘thank you’ to me and I give him a small sad smile in response. I move to get up, but Krista’s small hand shoots out and grabs my arm. My eyes move to hers.

“Please talk to him,” she whispers.

I give her a nod which she returns before moving back into Arty’s arms. He tucks her head under his chin and slowly runs his hand over her hair. I am so happy that those two are finally together.

Quickly, I stop in the kitchen and grab a pack of peas from the freezer. I make my way down the hall to Seth’s room and stop right outside of the door. I hear one last crash before the room goes silent. I wait for a couple of seconds before knocking on the door with the back of my knuckles. A quiet ‘come in’ comes from the other side of the door. I gently twist the door handle and push.

Seth is standing in the middle of his room that is completely destroyed. Books are strayed across the floor and his old baseball trophies are lying in shambles. The only things that are untouched is the bed and the picture of Vi, Seth, Tuckett, and I on his desk. Seth’s chest is heaving up and down while his mouth is gulping for air. The sight of him in so much pain is almost killing me.

I slowly inch my way into the room and stand right in front of Seth. Slowly, I reach for his hand. When he doesn’t pull away, I figure it’s okay to move him. I pull him lightly over to his bed and push him down to sit on the edge of the mattress. I kneel on the floor so I am right between his knees and hold the bag of peas to his face. He flinches slightly when the bag touches the forming bruise on his face but does not move away. After a couple minutes of this, his breathing begins to even out and his eyes close. I shift the peas so they cover the side of his temple and the top of his cheekbone.

“I’m sorry.”

“Huh?” I ask.

“I’m sorry,” Seth mumbles a little louder, His eyes are still closed and his mouth is barely moving. If we weren’t alone I would think someone else was talking.

“What are you sorry for?” 

“For that bastard. For throwing a fit. For letting him talk to you that way. For being such a lame ass boyfriend.” His eyes open lightly. “For not being enough to deserve you.”

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