Love and Hate

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Here’s the next chapter! Enjoy! The song for this chapter is One of THOSE Nights by The Cab. Please vote and leave a comment on how you like the story so far! - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Chapter Six: Love and Hate


I pull into the driveway and it is past midnight. I get out of the car and sneak in the front door. I am almost to the hallway when the lamp beside my mom’s favorite chair in the living room turns on. I silently curse to myself for being so close and yet so far away.

“Care to tell your worried mom where you’ve been?” she asks in a calm voice. That’s not good. When my mom is slightly angry she yells. When she is calm, it is better to dig your own grave and plop yourself down in it because it means that she is on the war path.

I turn around to face her and try to do my calmest smile, but on the inside I am freaking out. She glares at me and I try not to crack under her intense gaze.

“Um, I was out with Tuckett . . .” her eyes narrow and I know that I just gave a really bad answer. My mom loves Tuckett, he’s basically like another son to her, but she knows that he does some stupid stuff. Coming home at twelve at night, without calling her, after spending time with Tuckett is probably not the best thing to say

“You were with Tuckett?”

“Yes, . . . but I was also with Vi and Low.”

Her eyes lighten up at the mention of her favorite niece and Vi’s best friend. The loves both of them to death and sometimes I think wishes that she had daughters like them of her own. I know that sometimes she gets tired of being the only girl in the house. It’s hard for her when we want to watch sports and she doesn’t. She’s outvoted and I know for once she would like to watch her girly wedding shows that she loves so much. My mom’s face suddenly becomes red and I relax. She is about to yell and I know that is a good sign.

“Did you even think to call? Did you even think to tell me before you left?! I was worried sick! I expect more from you Seth! You are supposed to be responsible. You are almost eighteen, grow up!” She stops yelling, takes deep breaths, and her face almost returns back to its normal color.

“I’m sorry Mom.” She sends another one of her glares at me before she nods and accepts my apology.

“So how did it go?” she asks and I am confused.

“How did what go?”

“You know . . . your double date.”

“What!” I shout.

Her eyes widen at my face that I am sure looks as shocked as hers does right now. 

“What are you talking about?”

“I thought that you guys went out on a double date,” she says and shrugs.

“Mom, you do realize that means I would have been on a date with Low right. Low and I hate each other!”

“Sure you do,” she says and smiles smugly. She lets out a little laugh and I am at a lost for words. What the heck is she talking about ‘Sure I do?’ “Seth, you know the saying . . . there is a fine line between love and hate.”

“Whoa! Love? Mom seriously. I hate Low! She and I don’t get along, we always argue, there is no way in hell that we would even ever like each other, let alone love each other,” I am slightly panicking and I am pretty sure that I look like a flamingo because I am flapping my arms like an idiot and I feel like my face is on fire. She doesn’t say anything else. She just crosses her arms and rolls her eyes at me. “Ugh, whatever. I’m going to bed. Night Mom.” I turn away from her smirking face and head down the hall. I quickly strip off my shirt and jeans before sliding into my bed. I stare at the ceiling for an hour running everything that happened tonight through my head. 

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