Flashing Lights and Lions

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Thanks to everyone for reading! Sorry it took a little longer to upload than normal. Please leave a comment and tell me what you think about the story. The song for this chapter is Thing For You by Hinder.  - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Chapter 17: Flashing Lights and Lions


Seth pulls away and I stalk into the house on the warpath. I am going to kill my dad. I walk into the hall and see him standing next to the light switch by the door. I walk angrily over to him and place both of my hand on my hips.

“So how did that date go?” he asks with amusement.

“Dad! You were flickering the lights! Why the heck did you do that?” I screech. 

My mom comes down the stairs, tying her robe and looking like she just rolled out of bed. She comes up to stand next to my father and glances between the two of us as I stare him down and he grins at me.

“Okay, one, how did your date go? And two, what are you doing up David?” she asks in a confused voice.

“Well, my date was going perfect until Dad started flicking the lights on and off while Seth was telling me goodnight!” My mom raises her eyebrows and turns to my dad. She crosses both of her arms over her chest and waits for my dad’s explanation. 

“He wasn’t just telling you goodnight! He was kissing my little girl!” he exclaims in defense.

My mom whips her eyes back to me and grins.

“He kissed you?!” She shrieks. I feel the heat rush to my face and I desperately want to run and hide in my room right now. She squeals again and then turns to my dad and slaps his arm.


“That’s what you deserve. Leave the poor girl alone. Jeez, I can’t believe that you were flickering the lights. You are just like my father,” she says and rolls her eyes. My dad’s mouth drops open in horror and he head up the stairs behind her.

“I am not!” 

“You are too! He did the same thing to us on our first date,” She says before I hear her close the door to their bedroom.

I go upstairs and grab clothes pajamas. I change in the bathroom and   then slip in my bed without waking up Lizard who is in a deep sleep in the bed next to me with drool dripping all over her pillow.

I cross my arms over my stomach and stare up at the ceiling. 

To say that I was shocked by my date tonight is a bit of an understatement. I can’t believe that I seriously thought that Seth had something awful planned for me on that hilltop. Well actually I can, he’s done some pretty awful things to me before. But the view and the date was nothing short of amazing. The view was beautiful and the fact that he had never brought another girl up there only made it that much more special.

Seth told me some things tonight about him that surprised me. I had no idea about all of that crap with his dad. I knew that the guy left right after Chase was born, but I had no idea why. When Seth told me that his dad didn’t even tell them why he left, I wanted to find his stupid asshole father and kick his ass. From the way that Seth talked about it, I could tell that he is still upset and hurt about what happened. His hands were clenched so tight that I was afraid he would break his fingers, so I held his hand. I could tell that doing that calmed him down, but it also made me feel better. I felt more connected to him.

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