Stitches and the Jaws of Life

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Hey Guys! 

Okay, just one thing . . . HOLY SHIT!!! I am so thankful for all of the votes and reads after the last chapter. A special shout out to TrishaMahone46 for all of the amazing comments! Thanks so much:)

For the last chapter I forgot to post a song so, the song for chapter 32 is Breathe by Ryan Star. The song for chapter 33 is Be Still by The Fray.

So as promised, I posted the summary for my next book at the end of this chapter. The first chapter of The Edict will be posted when I post the last chapter of I Hate You . . . I Think.

Please vote, comment, and recommend! Thanks so much again:)  - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Chapter 33: Stitches and the Jaws of Life

As soon as Low pulls out of the parking lot at Arty’s I head home to check on my mom and change for work.

The house is extremely silent when I walk in. Arty is sitting on the couch with my mom curled up into his side.

“Hey,” I whisper quietly. He returns my sad smile with one of his own. “How’s she doing?” I ask.

“She finally fell asleep around five this morning,” he says.

“Where are the boys?”

“They’re still sleeping in their room.”

“Okay, well, I’m going to get ready to go to work,” I say.

“Seth, you don’t have to go in today.”

“Yes I do. Jason’s on vacation for a couple of days and I would rather you stay here with my mom and let her get some sleep.”


“And Arty,” I stop and turn around before I reach the hallway, “thanks for everything you did yesterday.”

With that I turn around and jump into the shower. Once I am clean and dressed, I grab my keys from the coffee table and head out the door. My truck roars to life, and I head down the street.Halfway to the garage, the car in front of me breaks hard, causing me to almost slam into the back of his car.

“What the hell?” I whisper to myself.

I roll down my window and stick my head out of it to see what is going on. A couple cars in front of me, I see pieces and chunks of crumpled car parts littered all over the ground. My gaze follows the trail of parts on the ground.

There are two cars, completely smashed into each other. One obviously drifted onto the wrongs side of the road and smashed into the other from the looks of it. Police and firemen are running around the two cars, yelling, and working to try and pull the two cars apart. Only when they put the jaws of life in between the door and the body of the car on the backseat do I notice the color of the car.


My eyes scan the shape of the car more closely and recognize the shape of a jeep.

“Please, fuck no.”

I jerk my wheel and pull over onto the side of the road before shoving the car into park. I throw open my car door and sprint over to the two hunks of metal, my eyes trying to catch a glimpse of turquoise anywhere in the mess. Ten feet away from the disaster, a police man grabs ahold of the hood on my jacket.

“Where are you going don?” he asks.

I jerk around in his grip until I am finally able to slip through his fingers. I sprint the remaining way over to the car just as the door pops off of the jeep. Above all the yelling, I hear a little girl screaming. A police officer reaches into the car and pulls out a sobbing Lexi. She is still in her dance clothes and is clutching the doll I gave her. A small cut lies across her forehead and is slightly bleeding. Her eyes are moving around frantically. When she sees me, her screams become piercing and she reaches her arms out to me.

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