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*previously on summer love*

"Hi" Ashton popped his head up.

"Hey" I said wiping away some tears that had fallen. "Uh sorry" I lightly chuckled.

He sat down next to me. "you okay?"

"I should be asking you. How did you find me?"

"I saw you walk up here & Avery I'm fine. it was nothing. I mean you just gotta take it like a man." He puffed out his chest.

"Yea mhm okay" I poked him in the stomach causing him to flinch. I put my head on his shoulder and sighed.

"Hey don't let him do this to you. Don't let him bring you down like this, you need someone who will make you happy not sad"

I smiled and looked at him. He smirked.

"I just wish things were like they were in pre school; fun and simple" I say and look up at the stars.

"I have an idea"


"What?" I look at Ashton.

"I have a really good idea" he says again.


"Well if Harry could get over you that fast with another girl maybe you can too" he smirked

"Me and another girl?..."

"No no no no no" he chuckled "I mean you and another guy"

"you mean date another guy to make harry jealous?" I was still a little confused.


"That would be great, but what guy would agree to do that?" He winked at me. I gave him a questioning look. He grabbed my hand and intertwined it with his.

"Ohhh" I blushed, this could get interesting.

Eventually it got cold and I asked Ashton if we could go back inside. He went down first and helped me after. Ashton picked me up from the waist and set me down. Our eyes met and there was a moment of silence.

I wasn't sure if I wanted him to kiss me yet. That all changed when I saw Harry walk in from the corner of my eye.

I knew Ashton saw him too because he did exactly what I was thinking and kissed me slowly. My eyes widened when I felt Ashton's tongue slip into my mouth. Believe it or not I've never french kissed. It was a weird feeling. It was like having an extra tongue.

I pulled away and whispered into Ashton's ear. Then walked past Harry and into the hallways.

Before I left to my room I decided to pop my head in the door way.

"Do me a favor and don't kill each other" I grin.

Harry's POV

"Do me a favor and don't kill each other"

I stormed into my room and punched the wall I didn't feel a thing except the pain of seeing them to together.

"What's going on up there!" Niall screams. I ignore him and punch the wall again and again and again "Harry stop!"

It's impossible. My anger can't disappear. Niall pushed me back, I starred at him with a blank expression until I lost it. I broke down.

I dropped to my knees. "Niall i messed up, I messed it all up."

"what the hell do you mean?..." I had to explain the whole Ashley thing, I couldn't keep it a secret anymore. I mean I told Liam because I knew I can definitely trust him and I told Clair only so she wouldn't kill me. I knew i could trust Niall though

"I haven't been completely honest lately..." He had a confused look on his face, I took a deep breath. "It started when Simon called me that one day after the whole Avery thing..."

Niall's POV

"...and now she's dating Ashton I saw them kiss and it hurt Niall i I love her Niall and the only reason we're in this spot is because of me."

"yes that was messed up to do, but don't take it out on yourself I mean you were put in a tough spot at a bad time you didn't know what else to do. If it makes you feel better, they only met a couple weeks ago too, so I don't think it'll last long either" I wasn't exactly sure what to say but i just couldn't take seeing Harry like this.

"You're right thanks Niall." He hugged me.

"Hey just don't tell anyone else...they might not take it as well" he chuckled.

"No problem Harry" i smiled.

I started to walk back to my room when i ran into Clair

"Hey is Harry alright?" She looked concerned. Wow she was so pretty, I realized i was staring when she started to laugh and say my name like i was going insane.

"Uh sorry yea he's fine" I gave her a fake smile let's just say I was never good at keeping secrets.

"I can't help but feel like you're keeping something from me. You can tell me anything you know that right?" I couldn't lie to her but i promised Harry.

"Yea i know" I gave a small smile "He's fine everything is a-okay" She nodded and gave me a weak smile.

Avery's POV

"Did you see his face?" Ashton said laughing, I simply nodded

"Ashton I just don't feel right about this" I looked down, he sighed

"Look what he did to you, you shouldn't feel bad about it"

"But all this is doing is making things worse, I'm scared. Harry has a really bad temper" I sat down on my bed, he pulled me off to tell me something, but I began to pace back and forth.

He put up his right hand and said "This was all my idea so, if it goes wrong I allow you to....punch me....but not in the face" I stood in front of him "If it goes of your kids has to be named after me" He smirked

I chuckled and then pushed him so he fell onto the bed "You're an idiot Irwin"

"You can name your daughter Irwin I'm not picky!" Was all I heard until I walked out of the room.

I started to head downstairs when I ran into Zayn.

"Oh i'm sorry" I chuckled

"It's fine" We awkwardly stood there in silence.

"Hey" we both said at the same time. "You first" I said

"I just wanted to say I'm sorry for the thing at the party, I just don't like things being super awkward between us" He smiled and I pulled him into a tight embrace.

" I don't either" I smiled. It was nice to have Zayn back.



HAPPY BIRTHDAY ASH!!'s the weather ?

Okay i know it has been like 20 years since we updated and we are v v sorry but now that school is over (thank goodness) we shall update more, at least when we can actually think of something to write plus we are also working on something else that is coming soon hehehe. Okay well we love you vote/comment and all that jazz byee :) -Chelsea & Sarah

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