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Harry's POV:

That's what I wanted to say. But I knew I couldn't because then that would ruin the whole "fake girlfriend" thing.

I mean she is so clingy and is constantly wanting to make out. But I mean who am I to say no. She's just not the girl I want to be laying in bed with every night. Not the one I want to be kissing and holding everyday. She's..not the one.

I realize I've been zoned out for awhile when everyone one starts shouting my name.

"Um yea sorry I was thinking of a dare" I chuckle a bit. I pretty quickly think of one and its really good too. "Okay, Ashley I dare you to let Louis take you out on a date" I thought that if I can get Ashley away for even just an hour that would be enough time to talk to Avery.

Louis , who may I add, was a boy again looked at me and flipped me off. So I did the same.

I whispered to him "you can thank me later" He simply glared at me.

"Ugh but-"

I cut her off. "It'll be a good time for you two to bond with each other"

"Fine but only for you" She said as she kissed me. Every time she did that it wouldn't even come close to how it felt with Avery.

"We should probably get back to the party." said Liam realizing it was about 3 am. Wow the time flew by.

We all got up and started walking out the door. That's when I heard Louis say to Ashley "Pick you up at 8 babe." I swear he winked.

I chuckled because afterwards Ashley looked mortified. We got to the living room and it was a mess there were cups and trash everywhere, some people were passed out on the floor and couch, and there was a chair outside and on the counter.

These people get intense. We decide to leave & clean up tomorrow since we were all really tired, but someone had to wake up the people asleep in our living room. So-like we solve everything-we did nose-goes. Of course Louis lost.

He gets up on a table and screams. The people jolt awake and the looks on their faces were priceless. They get up and sprint out the house.

Louis gets off the chair and brushes off his shoulders looking accomplished. I roll my eyes. We are all about to go head to bed when we hear the toilet flush.

We see some guy come out of the bathroom. "Nice soap you got in there" He simply says.

We look at each other and before anyone says anything Louis says "get out" the guy shrugs and walks out. We all start to laugh. Except Liam who is smiling proudly.

"why are you so happy?" Zayn says.

"Because I picked out that soap" says Liam. Zayn walks by him smiling and messing with his hair a bit.

"I'm going to bed" he says and shoots Avery a look. I feel anger and jealousy as I remember what happened earlier

***A couple hours earlier***

I heard someone say something but I wasn't paying very much attention because I was lost in my thoughts. I found myself staring at Avery, but turned away before anyone noticed.

"I dare you to kiss the prettiest girl here" Louis said to Zayn. I expected him to refuse since he is already dating someone or at least turn to Ashley maybe.

He looks at Avery, looks at her for a bit and then leans in. She doesn't respond except gets up and run away.


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