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Harry's POV:

We just arrived at our house in London and Avery was sleeping. Wow she looks so peaceful and adorable when she's sleeping. I shook her very lightly.

"wake up, wake up, were here"

she opened her eyes a little and sat up I then helped her out of the car. Once we got inside I showed Avery and Clair their room. After I showed them their room they began to unpack. I shut the door and went down to the kitchen. All the boys were down there stuffing their faces with food. I went to the cabinet and grabbed some Oreos then I poured myself a glass of milk.

if you're wondering how we already have good in here. We have some people who go out and just buy things we ask them to or things that are mandatory. They come into the house, put it all away and by the time we arrive all the food is there.

"Why are the girls taking so long?" zayn asked. Then Liam said,

"we should go check on them"

"guys don't worry they're probably ju-" but before I could finish Louis was already running up the stairs followed by the rest of the boys. I decided to follow them too.

"Let us in!!" Louis yelled while knocking on the door.

The door then opened and Clair was standing there I saw Avery in the corner unpacking, so I sneaked up behind her and grabbed her by the waist until she jumped and screamed.

I stood back and we all looked at her

"Sorry you...uh...scared me" She said

I looked at her worried until Clair spoke up.

"So...what are we going to do today?"

"Let's watch a movie" said zayn

Once we got downstairs Zayn started reading the titles of the movies we had,

"So we have Titanic, 17 again.." . The girls began to squeal at Zayns remark.

"17 again it is" Zayn said.

He put the DVD in and sat down. We were like 20 minutes into the movie when i felt something lightly hit my shoulder. I looked over at my shoulder and saw that Avery had fallen asleep. I stood up and Louis then asked me

"where are you going?"

"Avery fell asleep and I'm going to take her to her room" I answered back to him, he nodded. I put my arms under her legs then I lifted her head lightly and carried her bridal style. She then put her arms around my neck and I carried her upstairs. Luckily the door was open so I walked in and gently put her on the bed then I lifted the covers and put them on her so it would cover her body. Before I left I kissed her forehead and whispered

"Sweet dreams love" then I left and shut the door. When I got downstairs all the boys including Clair were asleep. I wanted a glass of water so I went to the kitchen. I grabbed a cup and turned around and saw Louis I jumped a little. I guess all the guys weren't asleep. Then Louis said,

"You like her don't you?"

"what are you talking about?" I answered him.

"Avery, you like her don't you?"

"I don't know what you're talking about" I snapped.

"Harry come on it's pretty obvious"

I could tell my cheeks were turning red.

"Look Lou I don't like her end of conversation!" I said raising my voice a little.

"mhm sure whatever you say Harry" he said and with that he left the kitchen. Why is he saying that. I don't like Avery. Do I ? No I don't . Well I think I don't. Ugh this is too stressful to think about I put the cup down and walked to the living room I plopped down on the couch. I think I'm just tired I should go to bed. I stood up and grabbed the remote then I turned off the tv and went upstairs and checked on Avery she looks so cute when she's sleeping I stood there looking at her for a little. Then I felt a cool wind behind me. I looked back, it was Louis.

"So you don't like her?" he said crossing his arms raising one brow with a smirk on his face.

"I was just checking on her" I told him.

"Ya okay 'checking' on her" he answered putting air quotes when he said checking.

"whatever" I answered, glaring at him. Why does Louis always do this? I got to my room changed into my sweats and put on a black long sleeve pajama shirt. Then I moved the covers and got into bed. After a long day I was glad to finally sleep.


Avery's POV

I woke up and looked over at Clair who was snoring very loudly. Hot. I rolled over and looked at the clock..8:00! too early. I knew I wouldn't be able to go back to sleep, so I rolled out of bed and looked in the mirror, my hair looked like a birds nest. I was going to fix it, but then realized I should just take a shower.

I got in the shower and let the warm water wake me up, I looked down at my ribs and saw a big purple bruise. I touched it lightly and wanted to scream in pain but I didn't.

I got out of the shower and put on a black tshirt and some grey sweats. I put my hair up into a messy bun and walked down stairs knowing no one else would be awake yet.

I walked toward the kitchen to find a sleepy niall I said "Good morning" but he just waved at me. His hair was all messed up so he looked funny.

He walked toward the pizza box and opened it I saw his face light up, Oh no he doesn't! I ran over and took the box from him, he glared at me and I said

"My pizza!"

"You know you have to share with me." he said crossing his arms over his chest.

"No, cause it's mine." I said sticking my tongue out at him.

I set the box down on the counter and walked over to grab a plate and when I walked back over I saw an empty pizza box and niall walking away.

I dropped my plate and jumped on his back, he stumbled a little but kept yelling at me

"Get off of me!" he screamed

"Never!" I said

I saw the guys and Clair walk down the stairs they gave us a confused look but then burst out laughing. Niall then tripped and fell while he brought me down with him. I fell off of him and looked over at him.

I searched for the pizza but couldn't find it. Niall stood up and under him was a squished pizza "YOU MONSTER!" I screamed. He stood up and looked down at his white shirt full of pizza sauce. I burst out laughing.

He ran upstairs and I couldn't help but notice how he blushed when he ran past Clair, hmm time for the love doctor, Clair hated when I said that.

Harry helped me up.

"Are you okay?" he asked.

"No" I said "Niall killed my pizza" I answerd, pouting.

"Don't worry, we can get more later" he told me showing off his cute dimples.

"Yay!" I screamed as I skipped off toward the kitchen.

hope you guys liked this chapter please vote/comment -Sxx

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