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(Sorry chapter 1 was short but it gets better please just keep reading lol ~Sarah and ChelseaxX)

Avery's POV

My head was pounding when I woke up. I wasn't sure if it was from what happened last night or if it was because my dad was yelling at me from down stairs. Glancing at the clock I see it reads, 6:00 AM, 'Ugh! Why is he yelling at me? it's too early for this' I remove the covers from on top of me and stumble out of bed. I take a few steps and feel a killer pain in my ribs. I grab my towel and hop in the shower.

Once I'm done and all washed up, I walk over to my closet and grab a floral crop top along with my high waisted denim shorts. I put that on and put my hair up into a messy bun. To top it off I walk over to my closet and grab my black high top converse. Finally, I grab my books and my bag and walk out the front door to see my best friend Clair waiting for me, her medium length blonde curly hair was pulled up into a high bun. She was wearing a floral dress that reached down right to her knees along with some flats. She pulled me in for a hug, I wince.

"What's wrong?" she said looking concerned.

"It's nothing really" I said. She looked me straight in the eye and gave me that look it's the look she always gives me when she knows I'm hiding something.

"Come on tell me I know 'nothing' means something's going on"

I wanted to tell her she's my best friend I've known her since pre-school she's been through everything with me. When my mom died she would come visit me everyday. She's been there for me ever since. I had to tell her.

"okay I'll tell you, but you have to pinky swear you won't tell anyone!"

"do we really need to do this? do you not trust me?"

"no I do, just please" I put my pinky closer to her.

"fine" Our pinkies locked and I told her everything. Her jaw just dropped. After that she asked if I was okay. It's the same thing everyone would ask me. Of course I wasn't okay, but I know I had to act like I was. No one wants to be known as the girl who only wants pity. I answered her with a nod then said ,

"Ya I'm getting better"

"Good. this doesn't put a delay on our trip right?" Clair and I had been saving up for years to go on our dream trip to London and finally saved up enough for the plane tickets, nothing was gonna stop me from going.

"Of course not" I said raising my voice a little that it kinda made my sides hurt.

We started walking to school and I was so happy because we just graduated and it was our last day of senior year.

We got to our lockers and luckily I have all my classes with Clair. We were making our way to English which was our first class.

On the way there we stumbled upon my ex-boyfriend, Marcus. If you're wondering why it's 'ex' it's because when we first started going out he was sweet and all, but then I don't know what happened he changed. According to the whole 10th grade, I was his "$10 dollar suckie-fuckie".

He would check out other girls and I was done so I broke up with him but now he keeps saying how he wants me back 'as if'

"Hey babe" He says with a smirk.

"Go away Marcus" I said.

"You know you want me back"

I tried walking away but he grabbed me by my wrist and whispered "Good luck trying to find someone who loves you because no one wants someone as worthless as you.."He winks and walks. Just like that like nothing had just happened.

I cringed at his words and walk away with those words running through my head.


There were 3 minutes left in class I just couldn't wait any longer. I kept looking over at Clair and she kept looking back at me because we both knew that after this we would be on a plane London bound.

*Ring!!* *Ring!!*

The bell! Everyone jumped out of their seats and bolted out the door. Clair and I grabbed our stuff and since we only lived 3 blocks down from school we walked there. We were neighbors so it wouldn't be such a hassle to meet up again. I slowly unlock the door hoping my dad isn't home.."Yes!" No one was home but I had to move quick.

I run upstairs grabbed my suitcase and run for the door, but bumped into something "Where do you think you're going?" I hear a familiar voice say.

"Im leaving what does it look like!" I snapped. Shit.

"Oh no you don't" and with that he threw me and my suitcase to the floor. He then yanked me up and said "You're not going anywhere. Go to your room now!" I grab my suitcase and run upstairs. I slam the door and I feel tears coming, but I told myself not to cry he doesn't deserve my tears.

I took out my phone and saw a text,

From: Clair (:

Hey where are you??

To: Clair (:

My dad caught me trying to leave but I plan on sneaking out don't worry

From:Clair (:

K see you in a bit !

I didn't hesitate I grabbed my suitcase and tossed it out the window, then I jumped out

and walked toward the driveway to find Clair just sitting there looking a me wide eyed "what?" I said

"You actually did it?!" she said

"Yup" I said with a smirk


"flight 152 to London now boarding"

"That's us"I told Clair

We got up and handed the lady our tickets. Sadly we didn't have the same seats, but I was only sitting one seat away from her. We found our seats. As I sat down I put in my earphones and heard "Story of my life" by one direction I really liked their music but I wasn't a huge crazy directioner.

I stared out the window and felt a tap on my shoulder, then I heard a familiar raspy voice say "I think that's my seat?" I looked up too see who it was




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