-+.* Wounded, but In Peace *.+-

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(Chapter 2, Section 5)

Back to original POV....


You woke up in the hospital, you sat up quickly, you didn't really remember anything. The only thing you could even get to your mind was when you felt that sharp pain in your side, and waking up in a dusty, old shed, watching someone hit you over the head with a lead pipe and passing out again.

You saw the room around you, it looked familiar. 

You sighed and looked at the damage, nothing broken luckily, just a lot of bandages, the worst one was most obviously the stab wound bandage. 

You looked at the whiteboard, it said you got out tomorrow. 

You got worried, Colby was alone. 

You heard someone walk into the room, you looked and it was a nurse. 

"Oh, you're awake. That's a good thing. All we need to do is run a few more tests to see if you're capable of walking, digesting, you know, basically function." She chuckled, You could already tell she was a starter and was worried. "Ohh, okay. Well, can I get some water please? My head is killing me." You asked, she nodded, "Coming right up, Mrs. Brock." You froze, "Wait, Mrs.Brock?" She turned around, "Well.. yeah, That's what your name was listed as... I'm sorry, is that not you?" She asked worriedly, "No, no, It's just that, it's my boyfriends last name, not mine.. Mine's L/N." She gasped, "Ohh no.. He said you were Mrs. Y/N Brock, are you two getting engaged at all?" She asked, You shook your head, "It doesn't matter, fine, I'm Mrs. Brock, just please, go get my water..." You said, you were frustrated and tired, you didn't want to deal with anything like this at the moment.

You grabbed the remote by the table and changed it to the News to see if anything interesting was going on, since Colby and Sam were famous and a lot has happened, you just wanted to see.

Earthquake, Tornado, Shootings, and Bitcoin updates. 

You grabbed your phone and got onto tiktok, a lot of people conspiring about what happened.



"Colby Brock found guilty of the murder of his ex!?" 

"Sam and Colby dating!?"

"Colby announces his break up with Jessi!"

"Melody and Jessi teamwork!"

"Melody kisses Colby!?"

"Colby announces his engagement!"


You barely read the rest of them, you had no interest in what they were saying since none of it said anything about Colby much. You skimmed most of them.

You, Sam and Colby had made a few videos together, and Colby announced that you two were dating, You were surprised that everybody was still worried about Jessi and Melody, when Sam posted their break up and Colby and Jessi had been over for a long time.

All that was on your mind now was if Sam and Colby were okay, and if they could ever get back to their normal life without Melody and Jess.

You hoped.


(488 words)

I got lazy and ran out of ideas... So next chapter I'm doing a time skip! Hooray!--

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