2. Coffee & Breakfast

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"This is just what good neighbours do, right?" You think to yourself.

He opens the door, looking as gorgeous as he was when you last saw him, he smiles as you as he steps aside "come on in!"

"Whoa this place is huge, uh, there's a lot of stuff! Is this all yours?"

You ask, walking in and placing the coffees on the dining table which is the only empty surface in sight.

"What if it is? Is that a bad thing?"
He says, locking the door behind you.

"No no! That's not what I meant at all. I just meant it in the way that, are you sure you can do it alone? I could help you out after college!"
you say, sliding your hands into your hoodie pockets.
He smiles, damn that smile.

"You're very kind to offer, but don't worry, I have a roommate, some of my friends will be living here part time too and we'll all be setting up our own stuff. They're out getting groceries and some are joining new jobs today!"

He says as he walks into the kitchen, that is visible from the table you're at. He keeps talking as he steps out with two plates filled with eggs, hash browns and bacon strips. "Here, eat up now" you can't help but smile big, you haven't had breakfast except the occasional corn flakes since you moved out of home, you sit on the chair and you're practically floating in the scent of the food, it's so good.

Something clicks in your mind, oh my God you didn't even get his name yet and you're about to eat his food. "I'm so sorry, where are my manners, hi, my name is y/n" you smile and hold your hand out, he takes it, returning your smile "And I am Seokjin, pleasure to meet you".

*His hand is s o f t, but his grip is firm, idk how to explain it. Well his hand is biiig and you feel small now. Well shit.*

You can't stop smiling, you haven't really stopped since you meet him. He feels so, friendly, familiar, it doesn't make sense, but you're not complaining.

"C'mon now, be a good girl and finish up your breakfast. You have classes soon, right?" he says, you're not used to being taken care of like this. Your family is sweet and all but being the first born in an Asian family, you don't get babied, Ever.
You nod, and start to dig in, you take the first bite and time seems so stop. The food literally tastes like magic. The crunch of the bacon, The crisp of the hash browns and the ever so slightly runny texture of the egg yolk, you had just taken the best bite of food that you've ever tasted and it was so good that you had to close your eyes to process it.

This is it, you're in heaven, it doesn't get better than this

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This is it, you're in heaven, it doesn't get better than this. You hear him giggle, that's when you open your eyes, you're smiling big like a kid as you continue to eat more, with a mouthful you manage to blurt out "HolyyShitThisIsSoHeckinGooood". He laughs a little more, his laugh echoing off the walls of the still empty-ish apartment, you can't help smiling like an idiot still.
His laugh is good but so is this food in front of you and you start eating like you might never eat again. You finish the whole plate in barely 7 minutes, you put your spoon down and sigh happily.

"Did you get tired of eating?" he notices.

"Nooooo, it was, like you knowwww, a happy sigh" you answer, slightly embarrassed.

"You are adorable, I feel like we're gonna be good friends" he says, patting your head.
He takes a sip of your contribution, "Holy shiet that's some good cold coffee, you're gonna have to make more for me" and he downs the whole thing in one go.

 He takes a sip of your contribution, "Holy shiet that's some good cold coffee, you're gonna have to make more for me" and he downs the whole thing in one go

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You blush slightly, you feel yourself smiling and nodding "only if you promise to cook for me more" you blurt out. He laughs and nods "your wish is my comman- ah! Brain freeze". You both laugh and you let out a happy sigh before remembering this is not a day off.

You quickly check the time on your phone.
"Oh no no no I'm gonna be late" you get up and start to pick up your bag. He stands up too, "let me drive you" he says. You take a second to process "what? No! No please, you already gave me food and that's a lot, I can't possibly bother you more, at least in the same day" you say as you're hopping on one foot around trying to get your other shoe on. You finally get it on and rush into the elevator that he already called for you.

"You're really not a bother I promise" he says and you smile.
"I have a car, you know, just let me drop you off."
"No can do" you giggle as the elevator door closes.
"But at le-" the doors close before he can finish and you're left in silence.
"I wonder what he was gonna say" you mumble to yourself, hearing the elevator ding and the doors open on the ground floor.

You're greeted by a slightly out of breath Seokjin, his face a little flushed. He hands you his phone with the dialer open "number, phone, you".
You take the phone, trying not to laugh too hard, you enter your number into his phone "okay Yoda". He catches his breath and stands up straight.

"Text me when your class ends, I'll make lunch for you" he says.
It surprises you. "Please tell me you did not just run down 6 floors to offer to make lunch for me."

"I'm not offering, I'm TELLING you to text me when class ends, so I can have lunch ready for you" he says, trying to make a serious face.
It makes you smile, you nod.

"But I'm about to tell all my friends that the cute guy from the penthouse ran down six flights of stairs to get my number"

you say loud enough for him to hear as you run out of the building, hoping you haven't missed the last bus.

"WAIT YOU THINK I'M CUTE?" he yells but you're already gone with the wind.

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