19. Thornes and Cakes

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Your expressions must be visible on your face with how he quickly answers.

"Do not overthink it, you're fitting in just fine."

"I didn't say anything" you mumble.

"With me, you don't have to." He says as he starts to drive, making you blush hard. How squealing on the inside. This is absolutely bonkers.

"Holy shit, model Jin is flirting with me."

"That's not the name I go by. You know, for safety reasons."


He holds your hand with ease, as if that is what's supposed to happen, like it's normal.

"You curse a lot, you know?"

"Well you give me a lot of reasons to" you respond, trying your best to speak and not squeak. He smirks and mumbles something under his breath.

"Tell me your alias I need to know shit this is awesome"

"Adonis Hawthorne"

That is so fucking cool. This man keeps getting cooler by the second he's already at the north pole.



"Shit sorry, I didn't- oh fuck"

*S i g h*

"Your fake name LITERALLY means 'The Most Handsome'?"

"World Wide Handsome, yours truly"

he says, making you roll your eyes. He continues,

"You're really that excited about me being a model?"

 He continues,"You're really that excited about me being a model?"

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"Of course I am! It's a big deal and I'm so proud of you."

He stops smiling and glances over at you for a second, almost if checking how sincerely you meant that. Then he smiles.

"That's so fucking sweet" he says. Your eyes go big, smiling you take the chance immediately.


He smirks and bites his lower lip. Then shakes his head. You see the school approaching in the distance.

"You, miss y/n are something else."

"Thank you sir" you say and immediately your phone rings, it's Bee. You pick up and put it on speaker as you pick your bag from the back seat,


"Babycakes where art thou! I'm waiting at the gate class starts in FIVE."

"I am at the gate wait just a sec I'll be there"

"Oh thank God, I thought you're skipping and I'd have to miss out on cute chef and hot profess-"

"BeeYouArentMissingOutOnAnythingImComingInASec" you cut her off, disconnect the call and look at Jin.

He smiles, steps out and comes over to your side to open the door. Giving you a hand to help you get down. You take his hand and get down. This is highly attention grabbing activity.


You can already feel everyone looking at you, then you catch her eye, Bee. She walks over to you and you introduce her to Jin.

"Jin, this is Bella, Bee for short, the extrovert who adopted me here at uni"

"And Bee, this is-" before you can finish, Jin cuts in.

"Hello, I prefer cute chef, as I'm assuming I'm not the hot professor" he holds his hand out.

She shakes his hand and looks at you, "speaker?".

You smile awkwardly and nod. She flashes that same awkward smile to Jin.

You take the chance to distract, "okay I need to, we need to go, class, soon, starts" you're fumbling your words and Jin immediately takes that to his advantage.

"Okay Yoda, have a good day". Without wasting a second he gives you a quick hug and then goes back into the car.

"See you at dinner, babycakes" he flashes his mischievous grin and drives off.

You seem to be frozen as you are trying to decide which part of that whole interaction you're going to process first. Bee pulls you and you follow her towards the class

"walk and think, sweetie"

After careful consideration, you say "What the fuck". Bee takes you all the way to the classroom then to your seats. She drops her bag in her seat and comes to sit on your desk.



"My father has shares in some companies and he's the ambassador for a couple of them. That's not the point the point is WHAT WAS THAT TENSION. OH MY GOD I COULD CUT IT WITH A KNIFE"

"Its not like that, he's just so nice to me. He also is comfortable there's no tension."

"Gurl pls he didn't let go of your hand after getting you off the car till I looked at your hands and the JEA LOU SY. I could see it in his eyes when he said he's not the hot professor and don't even try to deny the very apparent blush you had after he called you babycakes. Also, such a tease with the babycakes in the end."

Taehyung decides to join in, he speaks up from his desk.

"Sounds like he's got a crush"

"No he doesn't" you respond immediately.

He shrugs. "I don't blame him" he says right before the teacher enters and tells everyone to settle down and be quiet.

"Damn Mr. Kim" Bee mumbles from her seat.

"Mr. Kim" you mumble to yourself, smiling as you think of Namjoon. You shake that thought out of your head and concentrate on class. As soon as it ends everyone starts talking amongst each other and Bee comes back to your table.


"Yes. So the cutie that is our chef, lives with that amazing smelling guy on the bus I told you about. His hair is so dreamily fluffy. And I could die for his gummy smile it's so cute. OhBtwHeDreamtOfMeWithinLikeAnHourOfMeetingMe"

"Girlllll I'm living vicariously through you at this point. Give me more, tell me everything about everyone!"

"okay next, Sunshine bestie, man's got THE BRIGHTEST smile to ever exist. Like you know how they describe it in movies 'his smile could lighten up the whole room' yeah like that holy shit. Also, his hands are so soft and his eyes get little smile wrinkles in the corner when he laughs, and he's almost always smiling or laughing."

"Wait how do you know his hands are soft?" she looks at you smiling and narrowing her eyes.


"Wow. I'll never understand how you didn't kiss any of these people."

"I could say I didn't think of it but I don't wanna lie to you!"

"ooooooooh spicy baby heck yeah let's goooo"

You laugh and swat her arm jokingly.

"Okay okay I was promised 4, gimme another."

"Okay okay yes so you remember we talked about online friends yesterday?"


"And I showed you my best friend for the last 4 years?"

"The chim guy? Yes. Absolute eye candy."

"YES That's the fourth!"

"Wait hold on. Your best friend for the last four years HAPPENED TO BE YOUR NEIGHBOR'S FRIEND TOO???"


You feel someone tap on your shoulder so you turn to look at them.

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